Answering The News Of The Termination Of A 3 Percent Interest Subsidy, Minister Of SOEs: Instead, The Government Will Add KUR Budget To Rp360 Trillion In 2023

JAKARTA - The government plans to increase the People's Business Credit (KUR) budget to IDR 360 trillion in 2023. Meanwhile, the KUR interest subsidy given is still at 3 to 6 percent, depending on the value of the loan. This was conveyed by SOE Minister Erick Thohir in his remarks at the NIB Giving event for Individual SMEs in Lampung. Erick's statement is also the answer to the plan for a 3 percent KUR interest subsidy to be imposed on MSMEs which will take effect next year. Erick emphasized that there was no stop, in fact, there was an additional KUR budget. "The government encourages KUR, there is a 3 percent interest, there is a 6 percent interest depending on the loan value. And next year the government will increase it again, the name KUR is less than Rp360 trillion, rising again, this is a fact, not a hoax," he said as quoted from the YouTube Ministry of Investment, Thursday, December 1. Erick said, the government is also committed to encourage the sustainability of the MSME business. This is because domestic macroeconomic growth is also contributed from 65.4 million micro business actors.

Therefore, Erick explained that there is no reason for the government to prioritize industry or large companies and prioritize MSME actors. He ensured that MSMEs will be the main concern of the authority. "We realize that Indonesia's economic growth, the foundation of the Indonesian economy is 65.4 million of our MSMEs. And it is 97 percent of the opening of our employment opportunities, that's a fact, so it is impossible for the government to exclude MSMEs or ultra-micros," he said. Erick also regrets the perception that the government only prioritizes investment interests of large companies, regardless of the interests of MSMEs. "Sometimes we are trapped in perception as if the government is only encouraging big entrepreneurs and sometimes perceived as oligarchy, my government is not the government without empathy or feelings," he said.