Until 2022, The Movement Towards Smart City Successfully Bimbing 191 Cities And Regencies In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Movement Towards a Smart City (Smart City) initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information and supported by the relevant ministries in the 2022 period has succeeded in guiding 50 cities/districts in preparing a master plan for the development of smart cities.

In the master plan, innovation is organized that answers challenges as well as maximizes the potential of each city/district.

Since its implementation in 2017 until 2022, this movement has succeeded in guiding 191 cities and regencies spread throughout Indonesia.

The big theme of the Movement Towards Smart City 2022 is inspired by Indonesia's G20 Presidency, namely realizing an adaptive, collaborative, and sustainable smart city.

"Not just technology, Smart city is an initiative that relies on innovation and collaboration, with the main goal of improving the living standards of the entire community," said Kominfo Minister Johnny G. Plate in a statement received by VOI on Thursday, December 1.

On the other hand, the Director General of Applications and Information Technology of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan said that the local government (Pemda), which is a participant in the Movement Towards Smart City, must have a commitment to carry out the innovations listed in the master plan that have been prepared.

"Therefore, the Movement Towards Smart City not only provides guidance, but also evaluation of implementation by measuring direct impact on the community," added the man who is familiarly called Sammy.

To support this event, a virtual exhibition was also held showing the achievements of all cities/districts participating in the Movement Towards a Smart City (Smart City).

Anda juga dapat melihatnya melalui https://indonesiasmartcity.id. Pameran ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman publik akan inisiatif kota cerdas di Indonesia, sekaligus membuka ruang kolaborasi antar pemerintah, swasta, maupun masyarakat luas.