Bahana TCW Invites Market Players To Strengthen Economic Fundamentals To Face Potential Crisis 2023

JAKARTA State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) engaged in investment management, PT Bahana TCW, stated that the 2023 economic projection tends to be more dynamic than in 2022.

Economist Bahana TCW Budi Hikmat said that his party believes that next year's economic activity will be quite volatile which is influenced by global factors. According to him, this assumption is based on a number of the latest indicators, such as the potential for recession, high inflation, to tightening liquidity from the central bank.

The situation is increasingly cornering the economies of many countries, especially emerging countries like Indonesia. In fact, this could lead to us to weakening," he said in a written statement on Thursday, December 1.

Budi explained that the possibility of a recession in the United States (US) is approaching 60 percent. Even so in Europe, which is currently facing a direct threat of an energy and food crisis.

"We are worried that at this time the world is actually leading to a new crisis. Several important points to watch out for are the distribution of this crisis to which extent, then the depth or severity, and the duration of the crisis itself," he said.

Budi added that the war between Russia and Ukraine as well as the US trade war China is very likely to pose an excess of an increased risk of debt for many countries.

The market realizes that the stock exchange in America had fallen more than 20 percent. Likewise in the bond market, it has gone up and even passed the inflation level," he said.

For this reason, Budi invites all parties to support efforts to strengthen the national economy so that it can survive and continue to grow in the midst of continued uncertainty.

"This challenge must be clearly answered, Indonesia's fundamental must be strong," he said.

On the same occasion, President Director of Bahana TCW Rukmi Proborini stated that in difficult conditions, the community must be able to choose the right investment product. The reason is, the current situation makes financial instruments not in a completely stable condition.

"Therefore, we are committed to continuing to present investment products that suit the needs of the community and can answer existing challenges," he said.

Rukmi said, Bahana TCW always develops investment products prudently in order to strengthen investor confidence to invest in the company.

"This is evidenced by the capian Bahana TCW which posted an AUM of more than Rp 48 trillion until October 2022," he said.

Similarly, the Director of Bahana TCW, Dania Adblackata, revealed that as part of the insurance and guarantee BUMN holding, his party has a professional experience for decades and always prioritizes good governance.

"Our producer, Bahana Liquid USD, has successfully recorded a return of 0.34 percent in the past year. Now with interest rates showing an increase, in the next year, Bahana Liquid USD has the potential to print a return of 1 percent to 1.30 percent per person," said Dania.