BPS: Stock Of Soybean Soybeans Make Tempe Tofu Prices Rise, Imports Also Slow

JAKARTA The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said that soybean food products experienced an increase in prices in the last three months.

Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, BPS Setianto, revealed that if viewed on an annual basis, the price of this commodity jumped 12.4 percent for tofu derivative products and 13.5 percent for tempeh products.

"The increase in the price of tofu and tempeh is caused by the low stock of soybeans in the country," he said while giving an explanation to the media crew in Jakarta on Thursday, December 1.

According to Setianto, this condition was exacerbated by the realization of soybean imports that had stalled from abroad.

"We received information from Bappenas and the Ministry of Agriculture that soybean imports are quite slow," he said.

Setianto added that his party also found data from the oldest-term exchange in the world, namely the Chicago Board of Trade, showing the same thing.

"The trend of increasing soybean prices has occurred since September 2022," he said.

This situation is said to have contributed to food inflation in Indonesia. He explained that tempeh prices have consistently increased since September with IDR 12,421/Kg, October IDR 12,682/Kg, and November IDR 12,949/Kg.

Likewise, tofu continues to climb Rp11,330/Kg in September, Rp11,438/Kg in October, and Rp11,680/Kg in November.

Tahu dan tempe memberikan berbagi inflasi 0,01 persen secara month to month (bulan) di November 2022, ucap dia.

Meanwhile, the general inflation rate until last month was recorded at 5.42 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy).

This figure is lower than the previous two months, namely September with 5.95 percent and October with 5.71 percent which tend to be at the top level due to the increase in fuel oil prices (BBM).