Ministry Of Transportation Actions To ODOL Trucks During Christmas And New Year 2021 Holidays

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation (Ditjen Hubdat) will take firm action against Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) trucks. Especially ahead of the Christmas and New Year 2021 (Nataru) holidays.

Action points will be carried out on a number of highways, including inter-island crossing facilities such as the Merak Toll Road towards Jakarta. The Directorate General of Hubdat will coordinate with the Banten Region VIII Land Transportation Management Agency (BPTD) and related parties to carry out this activity.

"From the results of vigorous implementation of law enforcement, 11 PPNS UPPKB have done a number of vehicles due to overload. Of the 11 vehicles that were ticketed due to overload, that night, the cargo transfer was carried out on trucks carrying coal and land," said the Head of BPTD Region VIII Banten, Endi Suprasetio in his statement, Tuesday, December 15.

Endi explained that Merak is the gateway from Sumatra to Java or vice versa so that law enforcement must be carried out periodically so that the public knows that the Government is not standing still in eradicating ODOL trucks.

In addition to law enforcement, continued Endi, BPTD Region VIII Banten is also active in socializing and educating car body companies, transportation companies, and entrepreneurs as owners of goods.

"ODOL trucks have the potential to cause accidents, damage roads and the environment that can harm the community at large. So periodic law enforcement will run parallel with socialization and education, that starting in 2023 there will be no more ODOL trucks," said Endi.

In general, the active law enforcement of ODOL trucks is safe, smooth and under control. Even though there had previously been an incident, two trucks tried to escape from the parking lot during the closing ceremony. One of the dump trucks with police number B 9802 TYZ tried to escape but was prevented.