How Ultrasound Works: Rely On Sound Waves

JAKARTA - Ultrasound, also known as USG, is a tool to check the organs in the body. For pregnant women, this tool is certainly familiar because one of the functions of ultrasound is to check pregnancy. In practice, ultrasound is also used to detect organs on the head, even male genitals. One thing we need to know is how ultrasound relies on sound waves.

Ultrasound or ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that uses sound waves with frequencies above 20,000 Hertz to produce an image of the structure of organs in the body. These sound waves require a device called a transducer or probe. It is a device that sends out sound waves and receives reflected waves.

The history of ultrasound first began with the discovery of ultrasonic waves around the 1920s. However, it was not until the early 1940's that ultrasonic waves were considered possible as a diagnostic tool. Until now, ultrasound is still used in medicine.

There are many benefits of ultrasound, one of which is to detect fetal bags so that you can find out if there are any babies in them. In addition, the benefits of ultrasound can also be used to detect abnormalities.

So how does ultrasound work by relying on sound waves? Watch the video How the latest VOI works, "How Ultrasound: Rely on Sound Waves".