Profile Indra Falatehan Of Bank Muamalat's Latest Director And Company Strategy In 2023?

YOGYAKARTA - Indra Falatehan officially became the President Director of Bank Muatama, after being appointed directly by the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) as the biggest shareholder. The selection of Indra Falatehan to be the president director was held at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) in Jakarta on Tuesday 29 November 2022.

Indra Falatehan himself already has several career experiences holding the highest structure in sharia-based national banking. Prior to being appointed as President Director of Bank Muatalamat, Indra Falatehan served as President Director of PT Bank KB Bukopin Syariah in 2022. Indra also expanded the position of President Director at PT BJB Syariah.

Before being replaced by Indra Falatehan, the President Director of Bank Muatama was held by Achmad Kusna Permana. Then the EGMS agreed to choose Indra to occupy the position of president director. In addition, the shareholders also appointed Suhendar and Wahyu Avianto as the new company directors.

Indra Falatehan, the latest President Director of Bank Muamalat, is a graduate of Master of Management at the University of Indonesia (UI). However, no one thought that his undergraduate or undergraduate education was actually outside the business or banking sector. Indra is a graduate of Bachelor of Gas and Petrochemical Engineering at UI.

Indra Falatehan has long been in the banking and economic fields. Indra has also held high positions in banking companies several times. Previously, Indra had won the trust to hold the position of President Director of Bank BJB Syariah. In this company, he has also held the position of Director of Financing and Director of Bank BJB Syariah.

Indra Falatehan also held a group head corporate banking at Bank Syariah Mandiri. Then, in October 2022, Indra held the position of President Director of PT Bank KB Bukopin Syariah.

President Director : Indra Falatehan

Compliance Director : Karno

Director : Hery Syafril

Director : Suhendar

Director : Wahyu Avianto

Chairman : Sholahudin Al Aiyub

Member : Siti Haniatun Principta

Member : Agung Danarto

President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner: Mardiasmo

Independent Commissioner : Suwarta

Independent Commissioner : Sartono

Independent Commissioner : Amin Said Husni

Commissioner : Andre Mirza Hartawan

Bank Muamalat has prepared a number of company strategies in running a business in 2023. Several strategies will be implemented, namely listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), growth in financing and funding, development and changes in office networks as well as development of organizations and human resources.

Bank Muamalat also continues to be committed to providing services in Islamic financial solutions. Bank Muamalat is already supported by digital banking features, namely a digital or internet-based banking system. In addition, existing platforms are also continuously being improved, in terms of raising customer funds and transactions, increasing digitization of Hajj and Umrah.

Demikianlah profil Indra Falatehan yang kini menjabat sebagai Direktur Umum Bank Muamalat. Bersama Bank Muamalat, Indra akan menjalankan pelayanan keuangan yang sejalan dengan Kepala Badan Pelaksana Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) selaku Pemegang Sajam Pengendalian (PSP).

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