Face Of Papua After The Eradication Of 6 Provinces, Vice President Ma'ruf: Different Administratively But Still One

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that Papua is still one and has not been divided even though the area has been demolished to six provinces."Although administratively there are differences, Papua as a cultural unit remains in the big house, the Land of Papua. Papua is still one, not broken down, Papua is still one, only administrative services (which are different)," said Ma'ruf Amin during an audience with the ranks of the Papua Provincial Government, the Papuan House of Representatives (DPRP), and the Papuan People's Assembly in Jayapura, Antara, Tuesday, November 29.Ma'ruf Amin, as Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development for Papua (BP3OKP) or the Papua Steering Committee (BPP), said the presence of the new province was something that could change development in Papua to be faster and more equitable."The state has implemented a policy to determine a new province in Papua. The presence of this new province should be addressed that this is a game changer, a key that changes the design of development and public services, so that it is closer to grassroots. So, it is not too far but close to the community," he explained.Law (UU) Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province, according to Ma'ruf Amin, has given a new mandate."That is the birth of a special agency, the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development for Papua or the Papuan Steering Committee, the Papua Special Autonomy BPP. This is a new one since Law No. 21 (2001). This is the task and opportunity for all of us to lay the foundation for the Papuan people," he said.He also invited all parties to strengthen the pattern of synchronization and coordination between the central government, provincial governments, district governments, and the city government regarding the acceleration of Papuan development."This includes optimizing partnerships with various other related parties so that harmonization in the implementation of security issues," said the Vice President.Currently, there are six provinces in Papua, namely Papua with the capital city of Jayapura, West Papua with the capital city of Manokwari, South Papua with the capital city of Merauke, Central Papua with the capital city of Nabire, Papua Mountains with the capital city of Jayawijaya, and West Papua which have not been officially promulgated.