General Listyo Sigit Calls The Fall Of The P-1103 Helicopter For The Great Family Of The Police

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo revealed that the incident of the P-1103 helicopter crash in Bangka Belitung Waters was a sorrow for the entire extended family of the National Police institution.

According to Sigit, the incident occurred when the P-1103 helicopter traveled from Pangkalan Bun to Pondok Cabe. However, in the middle of the helicopter flight it was hit by bad weather.

"We, the big family of the police, got into a disaster because one of our helicopters P-1103 was on its way from Pangkalan Bun to return to Pondok Cabe, two helicopters. Due to bad weather conditions, one helicopter lost contact," said Sigit after embedding the Brevet Shark Kencana TNI AL at Pier 100 North Jakarta, Monday, November 28.

For now, Sigit emphasized that his party has taken maximum steps to carry out the evacuation and search process for the crew of the helicopter.

In fact, said Sigit, the search and evacuation were in synergy with the Indonesian Navy (AL), Basarnas, and the local community in the process.

"Currently, the search continues to be carried out from the National Police itself with the ships and helicopters we have and then assisted by Basarnas, the Navy and several community ships," said Sigit.

So far, according to Sigit, after the incident his party has found a buoy, a seat that is suspected to be part of the helicopter. As well as one of the victims of the body from a crew of police personnel.

Sigit said, with the maximum search and evacuation process carried out, his party could immediately find the crew of police personnel and helicopters.

"Of course we hope that we can find all the members who have not been found as soon as possible, including helicopters," said Sigit.

Furthermore, Sigit also asked for prayers and support for all parties related to the search and evacuation process from the P-1103 helicopter.

"Of course, we are currently focusing, please pray that we can find it as soon as possible and of course we will take the next steps related to the process after the evacuation process is completed," said Sigit.

"Please pray that we can get it soon and hopefully there will still be good news for our other members to find," added Sigit and at the same time ending.