It Could Be Because It's Perfexionist Or Menyabotage, Get To Know The Reason Why You Are Procrastinating

YOGYAKARTA Procrastination is synonymous with laziness. But actually more than that, the reasons can vary. But experts categorize that delaying can be related to certain behaviors, namely because of perfectionism, sabotaging oneself or being filled with doubt, and finally, because they like challenges so as to complete tasks with deadlines.

Delaying tasks is driven by complex factors. American-based psychologist Mark way, Ph.D. calls for fear, shame, revenge, or even a negative self-image. Here's an explanation of why someone delays assignments and how to deal with them.

A perfectionist, it is difficult to accept mistakes. The learning process is sometimes not accepted, because it does not accept progress gradually. Because of these demands, the life of a perfectionist feels like hell and makes the promotion or procrastination feel like the safest shelter.

A study shows that a perfectionist's attitude has a negative impact on the satisfaction of life. Simply put, delays and perfection are two nodes from the same circuit. Perfectionists can only cut this circuit by treating themselves with respect and mercy. So that by so being able to take small steps towards their goals. Delaying for fear of failure, can be overcome by celebrating a small victory.

People who like to sabotage themselves feel discomfort because of uncertainty and change. Therefore they like to delay and avoid it. Often, they avoid getting out of their comfort zone so that the impact of the procuracy can miss good opportunities.

Suspension in these conditions, being a calming technique. Non-competitive and non-threatening activities are delaying and to relieve pain. They also delay due to unclear fear. How to overcome it, is to clarify fear. Fear of what and identify the missing opportunities at one moment sabotage yourself.

If you find you are delaying your duties by sabotaged yourself, ask yourself about the loss of rejecting opportunities, delaying because of protecting what, and the pain from growing or permanent that will be experienced when freeing yourself from sabotage. Add another trick, try to challenge your beliefs and thoughts and question your behavior gently so that delaying habits can be minimized.

The third factor that causes a person to like to delay tasks is because they really like challenges. Every time you receive a project, at the last minute you just finish under pressure. Some people do it because stress in the last minute feels good. There are also those who delay tasks because that's when the consequences of their actions feel real for them.

The root of the type of delay above, usually lies in a person's personality or the tendency to impulsiveness. According to a study reported by Psychology Today, Monday, November 28, the person who does this, usually has low awareness and is easily influenced by mood and short-term satisfaction. Self-regulation is an important characteristic for awareness, and delay is basically a failure of self-regulation.

Solutions to overcome delaying tasks can often only be effective by practicing mindfulness through journals, meditation, or talking to someone important related to responsibilities that need to be relaxed.