The RKUHP Education Campaign In The CFD Area Disbanded By Police, Activists: We Are Socializing

JAKARTA - The act of fixing the banner against the RKUHP held by the Civil Society Coalition on Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB) in the Jalan MH Thamrin area and the HI Roundabout, Menteng, Central Jakarta, was forcibly dispersed by the police, Sunday, November 27.

Pengacara publik LBH Jakarta, Citra Referendum mengakui adanya upaya pembatan saat aksi mulai digelar sejak pukul 08.00 WIB hingga selesai.

"As long as we start until the end, we are prevented from taking action, actually. At the beginning we were at the HI Roundabout, unfurling banners, there were about six basic jumbo banners (sized), we were disbanded," he said, Sunday, November 27.

Furthermore, the longmarch action with the theme of the morning walk was also carried out while unfurling banners along the HI roundabout - Sarinah.

"The police from the Menteng Police have dispersed us, scolded the protesters and almost seized or confiscated our banners," he said.

Citra explained, after his party unfurled the banner, the police officers who were at the location immediately dispersed.

"We were urged to disperse. (Spanduk) was almost confiscated. This is actually our way, fellow citizens informed other residents. That there is another RKUHP discussed. Because it is not certain that all Jakartans or Indonesians know RKHUP," he said.

The action, according to Citra, is an education for the general public.

"Not everyone has access to the DPR. Not everyone has access to watch on Youtube. Finally, we went together for a morning, providing information to Jakarta residents. We socialized, distributed leaflets that there was a problem in the RKUHP. Let's refuse the ratification of the RKUHP. It's the same with other Jakarta residents who provide educational information. So we are actually more educated," he said.