PLN Journalist Award 2022 Becomes A Clean Energy Energy Spirit Gelorakan Journalists EVENt

JAKARTA - The prestigious PLN Journalist Award 2022 is back for journalists throughout the country.

This time, with the theme "Energy Transiting the Utilization of Environmentally Friendly Energy", PLN invited journalists to promote the importance of clean energy.

The PLN Journalist Award 2022 invites and summons all journalists in the country to fight for the total prize of hundreds of millions of rupiah.

The sub-themes in this competition include the energy transition as a momentum for the revival of the country's economy; the energy transition after a better life; the energy transition encourages the use of people's energy; society grows and is strong with electricity; clean energy for the earth of Indonesia; PLN Cares, empowers and improves the community's economy.

PLN's Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and TJSL, Gregorius Adi Trianto said the moment of appreciation for journalists this time was in line with one of the big agendas of the G20 for the energy transition that previously took place in Bali.

The 2022 PLN Journalist Award is special because it encourages fellow journalists to help enlighten the public about clean energy through their work. It is hoped that through the news of friends, the public will understand the efforts made by PLN for our future generation," said Gregorius.

Gregorius explained that through this agenda, it is also hoped that the public will understand the role of PLN which is not only providing electricity but presenting development. Several programs, for example, owned by PLN, are specifically for agriculture through Electrifying Agriculture, Electrifying Lifestyle, to various environmental social responsibility programs that have many impacts on the welfare of the community.

As for the implementation of the PLN Journalist Award this time, there are 8 categories. These categories include Hard News Media Print, Feature Media Print, Hard News Media Online, Feature Media Online, Hard News TV, Feature TV, Photo Essay, and Single Photo.

There is a prize each for 1st place in the amount of Rp. 25 million, 2nd place in the amount of Rp. 15 million, and 3rd place in Rp. 10 million.

The participants themselves are Indonesian citizens whose professions are journalists. Both remain and be released, and work in local, national, mass media, in print or online media, to television," he explained.

Gregorius emphasized that this event was free of charge and could be followed by filling out a registration form.

For that, he said, each participant needs to prepare a file in the form of complete and clear personal data, scan or photo results of KTP/SIM, scan or photos of active Press IDs, scan or photos of NPWP cards, contested journalistic work, broadcast proof of print media in the form of cliping or photos/screen capture/scan news pages in PDF or JPG form, as well as broadcast evidence of online media and TV in the form of news site URL links and screen capture pages results. news page.

The journalistic work included in this competition is the work of Indonesian and English-speaking journalism. So that participants need to publish their articles in the mass media for the period January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022," he continued.

PLN hopes that with this activity, journalists will get to know the Indonesian electricity sector better.

Gregorius explained that every journalist can send a maximum of 5 works for each category.

Every writing sent to the committee is expected in accordance with applicable regulations.

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