Of The Three High Electability Presidential Candidates, Only Ganjar Has Soak White Rambut

Political observer and Executive Director of Trias Politica, Agung Baskoro, assessed that President Joko Widodo's statement that the leader of the people's mind usually has wrinkles on his face and his white hair is a real signal of support for the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.
According to him, of the three names of presidential candidates (candidates) with high electability, only Ganjar Pranowo is most in accordance with the criteria mentioned by Jokowi in front of volunteers. The top three names are the results of the presidential candidate survey, believe Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subianto, and Anies Baswedan.
"Of the three strongest presidential candidates who are now perched at the top, only Ganjar has a striking white hair appearance," Agung said in a written statement, Saturday, November 26.
Moreover, he continued, Jokowi's signal of Jokowi's support for Ganjar was not the only time this was conveyed. Previously, Jokowi openly appointed Ganjar Pranowo during the Projo event on May 20.
"The Governor of Central Java was immediately invited and said that those invited to the event, perhaps those supported in the presidential election," explained Agung.
Nevertheless, Agung considered it natural for Jokowi to support Ganjar. Because, he said, both of them are PDIP cadres.
"At this point, President Jokowi's support is getting more logical because Ganjar's chance to win is currently increasing, unless there is an extraordinary situation that makes Ganjar unable to advance to the presidential election arena," said Agung.