Please PDAM, Immediately Fix A Damaged Pipe So That Cianjur Earthquake Refugees Can Get Clean Water

JAKARTA - The Cianjur Regency Government has asked the PDAM to immediately repair the damaged main pipe so that the refugees have no trouble getting clean water supplies. Currently, distribution is carried out through dozens of water tanks.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman, admitted that PDAM's water supply had been disrupted since the earthquake occurred because the main pipe on the Cirumput route had been cut off. So it is necessary to repair it immediately. However, the high volume of vehicles hampers repairs.

"We have instructed that repairs be made immediately, but the problem with traffic flow, especially ambulance vehicles and volunteer vehicles that carry out evacuations, is still high, so repairs cannot be made," said Herman, Friday, November 25.

To meet the clean water needs of residents affected by the earthquake, said Herman, they are still being served by involving around 60 water tanker trucks belonging to PDAM Cianjur, BPBD Cianjur, PMI, TNI/Polri and a number of tank trucks belonging to the ministry.

So that his party ensures that the clean water supply continues even though the PDAM pipeline cannot be repaired by distributing water tanks to various areas in need and building reservoirs in a number of areas ranging from evacuation points to residents' villages.

"Please contact PDAM Cianjur, or water tanks that pass by can be ordered for the needs of clean water from residents, either in evacuation centers or in affected villages because waterways have not flowed until the fifth day," he said as quoted by Antara.

PDAM Cianjur Director Budi Employees said the damaged main pipe was located in a dense evacuation route through various types of vehicles including large vehicles that sent logistics, so that repair efforts could not be carried out because it would hamper traffic flow.

"We are trying as soon as possible after the volume of vehicles is reduced, but for clean water needs it is still met with tanks from the disaster emergency response team, which amounted to more than 60 units, supplying the needs of residents at evacuation points and villages," he said.