It Doesn't Take Much, A Little Friends Nearby Help Physically And Mentally Healthy

YOGYAKARTA Everyone has a variety of friends. There are a number of people who like a lot of friends, but not a little comfortable with close friends whose numbers can be counted. According to research, Americans on average have 3-5 friends. Beyond the number, there are good benefits when having close friends.

Having close friends is not only beneficial for mental health. They can bring joy, happiness, reduced loneliness, increased self-confidence, and help overcome stress. A 2020 study reported by PsychCentral, Thursday, November 24, from 422 women aged 31-77 years showed that being a friend of someone also increases life satisfaction. That means that not only for those of you who benefit mentally but also close friends.

According to Kara Nassour, LPC. NCC., humans are basically a very social species. Humans evolve and survive in groups, namely among close friends and family. A lack of friends, added Nassour, can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental illness.

To make many friends, being authentic is important. This is a way to connect with other people, namely by being yourself. According to Nassour, it takes more than twenty hours for a new acquaintance to be a good friend. Stages are awkward, maybe start friendships. But when you feel trust and comfort, friendship can be established.

Indirectly, making friends to friendship will go through natural selection. Sometimes because of the process of each other's life, it will be selected. While meeting new people, it also needs to be done in addition to learning more about yourself, including what is important to you.

The number of friends depends on many factors. Among them, age, marriage status, work, cultural background, gender, and residential location. According to the survey, 76 percent of adults have been friends with old friends since they were children. From this friendly relationship, as many as 29 percent of young women rely on their close friends to get support. Well, the type of friendship and the quality of friendship will be more important in the future instead of its quantity.