Former British Royal Staff Called The Portrait Of Prince Charles And Camilla In The Crown Inaccurate

JAKARTA - Former and former royal workers of the United Kingdom raised their voices regarding the controversy over the fourth season of The Crown.

The Crown is considered not presenting fact and looks fictional. Some of the scenes and details in the series are inaccurate with real events.

This time, former royal staff both said Prince Charles and Camilla's portrayal in The Crown didn't quite match what they experienced.

Grant Harrold, Prince Charles's former butler, told Insider. "He (Prince Charles) never raised his voice to me."

Harrold did praise Josh O'Connor's skill in playing Prince Charles where his voice and demeanor looked exactly the same. But O'Connor's story isn't quite true.

In addition, there is Deborah Mitchell, a former Camilla facialist who claims to be a fan of Princess Diana.

"She (Camilla) is a wise person. She really cares about women's rights and when she does charity work, she does it because she wants to. Not because she has to or for popularity," said Mitchell.

Because of the effect of The Crown, the public is filling the comments column of the royal Instagram account by praising Princess Diana on every upload of Prince Charles and Camilla. Their Twitter account also had to deactivate the reply column because of the many pro Diana comments.

Previously the British government asked Netflix to put a fictional warning label on every episode of The Crown, but Netflix refused because they believed customers knew The Crown was a work of fiction adapted from real events.