Yogyakarta Satpol PP Will Disband New Year's Eve Crowds To Villages

JAKARTA - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta has confirmed to disperse all community activities that raise crowds on New Year's Eve 2021 celebration.

"As long as causing crowds is prohibited," said Head of Satpol PP DIY Noviar Rahmad in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 14.

He said the government did not prohibit New Year's Eve celebrations, only required event organizers to apply for a permit and apply health protocols.

Regarding the fireworks display, which every turn of the year is carried out by many residents and tourists in the center of Yogyakarta City, Noviar ensures that it will disperse if the fireworks party raises a crowd.

Not only in the center of Yogyakarta or tourist destination areas, according to him, fireworks held in villages will also be prosecuted by village or sub-district task forces that will patrol to monitor the crowd.

"If the fireworks party causes a crowd, then you can't," he said.

Therefore Noviar appealed to the public during this pandemic to just celebrate New Year's Eve at their respective homes.

He said the Yogyakarta Satpol PP would deploy 459 officers to supervise the implementation of health protocols during the long Christmas and New Year holidays.