PLN-Sucofindo Sinergi BUMN To Boost The Improvement Of TKDN

JAKARTA - The synergy of SOEs in increasing the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) continues.

This is in line with the spirit of SOEs as the driving force of the national economy.

The form of SOE synergy was realized in the memorandum of understanding between PT PLN (Persero) and PT Sucofindo.

These two SOEs collaborate for the development of the National Electricity ecosystem.

This memorandum of understanding was signed by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto at the opening ceremony of PLN Locomotion 2022-Local Content Movement for The Nation.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said this activity was able to support joint steps in increasing TKDN.

He said, with TKDN in addition to being able to suppress dependence on imports of raw materials while at the same time encouraging the growth of the domestic industry.

"Realization of TKDN or import substitution using local raw materials is effective in saving foreign exchange reserves, so as to strengthen the value of the rupiah. Then to realize it, we need to encourage national production to support big challenges in providing electricity infrastructure in providing industry," said Airlangga.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo emphasized PLN's commitment to realizing TKDN.

Currently, the achievement of TKDN that has been achieved by PLN has reached 48.95 percent. Until 2024, PLN has made a series of efforts to achieve the TKDN target of 50 percent.

"PLN continues to be committed to encouraging the increase in TKDN. This is in line with its support for increasing industrial competitiveness and realization in realizing the vision of an Advanced Indonesia in 2045 through economic transformation," said Darmawan.

President Director of PT Sucofindo Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi stated that he is ready to support PLN in realizing the provision of electricity infrastructure that is in accordance with quality quality guarantees.

This is in accordance with the government's directives in an effort to encourage the growth of the domestic industry and the role of SOEs as the driving force of the national economy.

"We are ready to assist in the realization of the provision of electricity infrastructure, in particular helping PT PLN (Persero), from upstream to downstream, through survey services, inspection, verification, and consulting services," said Mas Wigrantoro.

He said this support was also in line with the realization of the 2021-2030 Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) acceleration, which was agreed by the Ministry of Mineral Resources Energy (ESDM) together with PT PLN (Persero) on September 28, 2021.

Mas Wigrantoro added, PT Sucofindo was able to support the realization of increasing PLN's Domestic Use (PDN) through the TKDN verification service.

"In addition, we are also ready to help with consulting and socialization services massively," concluded Mas Wigrantoro.