Aksi Perundungan Oleh Para Pelajar Berpotensi Berdekat Menyepaksa Perwuan Visi Indonesia 2045

An elementary school (SD) student abused her classmate. In the 1 minute 41 second video circulating on social media, the student looks crazy. Like catching a thief, he repeatedly beat his female friend and even deliberately went up to the table to kick his head.

The victim did not fight back and just cried. A number of other friends who witnessed it also did not try to intervene.

From the information circulating, the perpetrators and victims were 5th grade students of SD Islamiyah 3 Ternate City, North Maluku. The act of bullying took place in the classroom during break hours. The perpetrator was annoyed with the victim for not providing contact during the repeat. Unfortunately again, this action was deliberately recorded by the perpetrator and uploaded to social media.

According to the Principal of the Ternate Education Office, Nurlela H Syarbin, even though the school has made a fatal mistake, it will not issue the perpetrator under the pretext that he is still a minor.

"However, we from Disdik took firm action for teachers and the principal. I have emphasized three things that must be avoided from the world of bullying, violence, and intolerance. Furthermore, they were returned to the school with the parents of both parties," explained Nurlela.

A similar action occurred again on November 17, 2022. A number of students from SMP Plus Plus Baiturrahman, Bandung City bullied their classmates. In the 41-second video which also went viral on social media, it can be seen that the perpetrator deliberately wore a helmet to the victim.

Then, the perpetrator hit and kicked the victim's head from behind. After one hit and four kicks, the victim fell down. Reportedly experienced fainting. However, the Principal of SMP Plus Baiturrahman Saefullah Abdul Muthalib said the victim only had a dizziness.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Ahmad Sahroni who posted the video wrote, "1 word for It's BIADAB."

An immoral act was also shown by six students in South Tapanuli, North Sumatra. When they were about to go to school, they deliberately stopped their motorbike, approaching a grandmother. A student greeted Grandma briefly.

Suddenly, another student got off the motorbike and immediately kicked Grandma until she fell sitting on the side of the road. The victim then stood up and left. The six students seemed to be laughing happily after carrying out the action.

South Tapanuli Police Chief AKBP Imam Zamroni said he had summoned the parents of the students, the school, and the local village head.

"From the perpetrator's statement, they were just for fun and had no intention of injuring," said Imam in his Instagram account @official.polrestapsel, last November 21.

Sahroni asked the Minister of Education Nadiem Makarim to act decisively against bullying actions carried out by students. Thus, it can provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators.

"Mr. Minister @nadiemmakarim @pustekkom_kemdikbud, please all parties provide education to those who go to school at the age of children and adolescents so that incidents like this don't happen again, Recently, such incidents have bullied people. Weak... But if you are caught, the child must ask for an apology, "said Sahroni on his Instagram account on November 20.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD asked students to be punished. "There must be firm action. Children are very barbaric, grandmothers are so ridiculed and kicked brutally. For immature children the threat of punishment is half the threat of normal punishment."

Regarding the violence of bullying, sexual violence, and radicalism, Nadiem has also stated, "There must be firm action. There must be very heavy consequences for the perpetrators. There is absolutely no tolerance for the three sins."

It must be admitted, Indonesia is currently experiencing an identity crisis. The community as a nation is starting to forget the values of Pancasila. There is no more spirit of mutual cooperation, deliberation, and the spirit of mutual cooperation, compassion, and parenting. In fact, this is the character and identity of the nation.

What happens if that condition continues to be ignored? Is Indonesia Raya's vision in 2045 making Indonesia the 5 largest economic forces in the world possible? Or, is Indonesia able to take advantage of the demographic bonus well?

Prof. Dr. Subroto warned that if we let our guard down today, the demographic bonus would actually lead Indonesia to a terrible brink of problems. That's why the education system is absolute. Education is the most important door in an effort to grow character.

Leadership without knowledge and skills will not benefit you anything. Likewise, knowledge and skills without being based on good character, will only bring about a humanitarian disaster, "said Subroto in the book "Indonesia is in your heart".

Dozens of years ago, Director Garin Nugroho also questioned why national education prioritizes market needs rather than encouraging character development.

In fact, a characterless market will collapse and will eliminate human and humanitarian aspects, Muslich's masnur wrote in his book "Fitering Education in Answering Multidimensional Crisis Challenges".

The conditions are not much different at this time. In fact, said Uhamka's Communication Expert, Said Romadlan, the education system is not clear which direction to go. "No character, no science either, everyone is all responsible."

According to Masnur, there are quite many empirical examples that prove that the nation's strong character plays a major role in achieving the nation's success and progress. Look at China and India whose economic position is already far beyond Indonesia today.

Masnur provides solutions to build the character of the nation, including: internalizing character education from an early age. Character education can be done by always providing directions on the concept of good and bad according to the stage of child age development.

Masnur provides solutions to build the nation's character, including:

"This step is only part of the strategic steps that the Indonesian government can take," said Masnur.