The City Of Shizouka, Which Is Often Hit By Earthquakes, Is Ready To Help Formulate 'How To Make Peace' With Disasters For Cianjur Residents
JAKARTA - West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil said a number of governors who attended the Regional Government Congress in East Asia (East Asia Local and Regional Government), such as from Japan, made an offer to help with rehabilitation after the earthquake in Cianjur Regency. "So there was already a commitment from the Shizouka Government, Japan, wanting to help formulate a tough life against earthquakes, because the provinces are most frequent earthquakes such as West Java or Java," said Ridwan Kamil after attending the 11th East Asian Regional Government Congress event in 2022 in Bandung City, Wednesday, November 23. The delegates from Local Government Congress throughout the 11th East Asia of 2022 (East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress or ALRGC) also agreed to discuss the disaster related to entering the agenda for the formulation of inter-regional cooperation. "In addition, the EALRGC Congress will also address a number of related points away from war, staying away from the pandemic and cooperation in the economic field. How to deal with all of that, including the problem of disaster, will be a discussion," he said as quoted by Antara.
The West Java Provincial Government will host the 11th Regional Government Congress in East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress (EALRGC) in 2022, in Bandung City on 23-24 November 2022.
There were 92 delegates and eight observers present in Bandung City and delegates who attended including the Governor of Nara Prefecture Japan Mr. Arai Shogo, Governor of Shizouka Japan Mr. Tsutomu Idano, Deputy Governor of Phu To Vietnam Province Mr. Than Trong Phan, as well as a number of governors from the Philippines, Malaysia, Republic of the People of China (RRC), to South Korea. The congress was preceded by a bilateral meeting agenda with a number of delegates with West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil in Bandung City. Governor Ridwan Kamil said all delegates who attended expressed sympathy and concern over the occurrence of a 5.6 M earthquake disaster in Cianjur Regency that occurred on Monday (21/11). "I am touched, we were sent a letter of condolences from the Governor of Shizouka Prefecture, Japan. All delegates expressed their deep condolences in the form of speech, letters and even provided financial assistance," he said.
During the meeting, the Governor of Nara Japan raised donations of assistance for victims of the Cianjur earthquake from the delegates who attended. "We are not raising donations, but if they give us not to refuse. We do not ask, we need appreciation that the earthquake victims' concerns are felt by these delegates," said Ridwan Kamil.