IISIA Business Forum 2022: Indonesian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Collaboration Together With IISIA

JAKARTA - One of the sectors needed to advance the Indonesian economy is infrastructure development and manufacturing. Therefore, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) together with The Indonesian Iron and Steel Industry Association (IISIA) will hold the IISIA Business Forum (IBF) 2022 on December 1-3, 2022 at the Grand City & Exhibition Center, Surabaya - East Java.
"This 2022 IBF is the largest steel industry exhibition event in Indonesia in 2022 as a means that brings together all stakeholders in the steel industry, construction, manufacturing and infrastructure to work together to build the national industry and provide resolutions on issues and challenges in the future," said Chairman IISIA Silmy Karim, in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 23.
Given the importance of the national steel industry plays an important role in supporting the national development agenda that has been launched by the Government, including the development of the State Capital (IKN), accelerating the development of infrastructure supporting economic transformation, downstreaming and industrializing natural resources including the Electric Vehicle Industry.
Currently, the national steel industry is still facing challenges where national production capacity utilization is still very low, with an average of 54 percent, (still far from good utilization of 80 percent). This is due to the high number of imported steel products entering Indonesia.
"Therefore, on this occasion, we together with professionals in the industrial sector continue to try to voice the Increase in the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) and the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) through a seminar which was also held with educational institutions in IBF 2022," added Silmy.
Through the 2022 IBF, it is hoped that it can bring together all national steel industry stakeholders, including steel, construction, manufacturing and infrastructure industry players, the government, steel users and universities as well as other stakeholders to build synergies and also formulate policies for developing the national steel industry.
Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid also said that the contribution of exports of iron and steel was included in the top five main commodities. Domestic demand and steel exports increased in line with the national economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Large domestic market opportunities, along with the president's instructions on banning import spending on products that can be produced domestically and optimizing the Domestic Product Use Improvement Program (P3DN) across sectors, continued Arsjad.
Arsjad also said that Indonesia's infrastructure competitiveness globally is currently in its 55th position to increase from its 57th position in 2021. This shows that progress in infrastructure is not sufficient because it is still lagging behind neighboring countries, namely Singapore and Malaysia The 2022 IBF event also supports the existence of MSMEs in the East Java region by presenting the Indonesian Micro and Small Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMIKINDO) which serves typical dishes of East Java, handicrafts, and local products typical of East Java.
"With the 2022 IBF, we hope that the Indonesian economy can move again, starting from the MSMEs we invite to the steel industry as the supporter of Indonesia's national industry. All of this we hope can provide progress for Indonesia, such as the 2022 IBF theme, namely the National Steel Industry for Advanced Indonesia," concluded Arsjad.