IT Expert Reveals Findings Of Dollar Bill Photos On The Laptop Of Attorney Pinangki's Husband

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented an expert in Forensic Information Technology (IT), Irwan Haryanto, as a witness in the trial of alleged gratification of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa arrangement with the defendant prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

During the trial, Irwan said that he found a photo of a number of dollars on the laptop of Pinangki's husband, AKBP Napitupulu Yogi Yusuf. The laptop was previously confiscated as evidence.

"When we unloaded it, it turned out that there were two hard disks there. And from the two hard disks there we made an acquisition. For devices such as MacBooks or PCs, even though they are locked, we can still open the data," said Irwan during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 14th.

"These are artifacts (data) that we got, pictures were found, the first was a picture of money in dollars," he continued.

Irwan also explained that the results of the search for photo data were the result of synchronization from cellphones and laptops. However, he did not explain that the photo came from the cellphone owned by AKBP Napitupulu or the Pinangki prosecutor.

"The file is stored on this hard disk, created on 27-11-2019 at 06.31.39, this is Indonesia, WIB. And below it is 2019-11-26 23.31.39 UTC. So there is a gap between the builds. a folder with storage, which is about 13 hours, "said Irwan.

Hearing the expert's statement, Chief Judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto then asked a question regarding the time to take the photo of the money.

According to Irwan, from the data on the laptop, the photo was taken in November 2019.

"Then, this image was actually created on November 26th?" asked Eko.

"Formed on November 26 UTC time, Your Honor, Time Center Unit," replied Irwan.

In this case, prosecutor Pinangki was charged with three counts, namely the first charge of receiving a bribe of US $ 500,000 (around Rp7.4 billion) from the convicted Bank Bali cessie case Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra.

Second, the money laundering charges originating from the receipt of bribes amounting to 444,900 dollars or around Rp 6,219,380,900.00 as money given by Djoko Tjandra for the processing of a fatwa to the Supreme Court.

Third, Pinangki was charged with committing an evil conspiracy with Andi Irfan Jaya and Djoko Tjandra to bribe officials at the AGO and MA worth 10 million US dollars.