8 Portraits Of Beautiful Celebrity Artists In Red Carpet FFI 2022, The View Makes Pangling

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) Citra Cup Award night will officially be held on November 22, 2022. The highest award event for the film world in Indonesia has been awaited by Indonesian artists. Before the award winners were announced, artists walked on red carpets or red carpets.

There is something unique in this year's red carpet. One of them is the female guests who attended wearing a variety of modern and fashionable archipelago kebaya. Of course, their appearance makes me peel because it is far from their daily style of dress. Who are the artists with beautiful kebaya on the red carpet FFI 2022? Here's the portrait.

The beautiful female artist with the first FFI red carpet is Putri Marino. She wore a new navy model kebaya. To make the wearer look more elegant, the kebaya is decorated with gold threads. Putri Marino's kebaya was designed by a famous fashion designer who has been active for 36 years in the Indonesian fashion industry, Biyan Wanaatmadja.

Next there is Prilly Latuconsina with a salmon pink kebaya. The kebaya torso part is made tighter so that it displays Prilly's perfect curves. In addition, on the arm, it is modified in the form of a balloon. At first glance, this kebaya model is similar to the British royal dress of the Stuart era, where the TOrso clothing silhouette is tighter with a low neck cut.

Ayu Shita looks stunning and beautiful with a gold kebaya. She combines the bottoms of her decades old grandmother's batik cloth. In addition, Ayu also pinned some of Bali's touch at accessories, ranging from subang, seesaw flowers for head decoration, and also rings.

Anya Geraldine looks elegant with a black kebaya designed by famous and well-known designer, Anne Avantie. The black kebaya that is worn with long sleeves with the bottom is long. Kamisol, the batik motif, looks the same as the skirt he wears. Anya combines kebaya with a black brown batik skirt with a hemisphere above the knee.

Aghniny Haque, one of the film players Suspicious Raden Saleh was present wearing a red kebaya with classic Javanese hair and accessories. Aghniny looks feminine in kebaya, far from his more tomboy daily style.

Compact with his lover, Bryan Domani, Mawar Eva wore all black outfits. The kebaya used is made of ile cloth, which has the characteristics of a hole-hole surface, making it look transparent.

Rachel Amanda appeared with a classic black kebaya set from as far as Mata is concerned. Not to forget he was wearing a sleever bag and shoes from the PRADA fashion house.

Similar to Putri Marino, Marsha Timothy also wore a kebaya set made by Biyan Wanaatmadja. If other artists choose a syahdu color for their outfit, Marsha actually looks brave by wearing a cream-colored tile kebaya with the dominance of a lime-colored asset. The selection of bright colors makes Marsha look fresher.