6 World Cup Controversy 2022 In Qatar, From LGBT To Bribe

YOGYAKARTA - The 2022 World Cup has opened on Sunday (20/11). Football lovers have been waiting for their flagship teams to appear to fight for the championship trophy. Unfortunately, the world trophy, which was held in Qatar, was marked by a number of controversies.

The controversy over the 2022 World Cup is related to customs and culture that have been held by the people of Qatar. Qatar became the first Middle Eastern country to host the World Cup. The hosts expect a visit of 1.5 million football fans in the quadrennial tournament.

There is some controversy that tarnishes Qatar's good name as the host of the 2022 World Cup. This controversy has also come under fire from various parties, such as British player Conor Coady and British media BBC.

The World Cup is the biggest sporting event watched by people all over the world. Mesmi is in a lively atmosphere, but there is controversy in the biggest football event in the world.

The International Football Federation (FIFA) announced a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages in all stadiums during the 2022 World Cup. The policy was issued two days before the opening of the world trophy. The determination of this rule is the result of a joint discussion between FIFA and the host.

Previously, one of the main sponsors of the World Cup, Budweiser, had the rights to sell drinks around the stadium. Sales can be made three hours and one hour after the game is over. However, FIFA revised the policy after negotiations with Budweiserd and Qatar's Supreme Committee executives were made.

Rules in Qatar stipulate that LGBT and sex outside of marriage are crimes that violate criminal law. The policy is a serious concern of world football fans who often voice LGBT rights. LGBT sympathizers declared that they would not watch the world trophy live in Qatar.

A number of European countries competing in the World Cup plan to use an armband with the logo one love. The logo is a form of support for LGBTQ rights during the tournament. However, the plan was canceled due to warnings from FIFA and threats of punishment for those who did so.

Qatar was also criticized for reporting human rights violations against migrant workers. A number of media reported that thousands of Migrant workers there were treated inhumanely.

CNN media spread the news that a Migrant worker from Nepal had not received the promised wage bonus. Even the worker was put in prison for unclear reasons.

But the Qatari government dismissed the oblique report. Qatari officials said the news was not true. He said punishment was only imposed on very specific cases, such as committing violence.

Meanwhile, The Guardian media reported that as many as 6,500 South Asian migrant workers died in Qatar last year, since its inauguration to host the World Cup.

Several world celebrities have taken the attitude of wanting to boycott secretly. A number of these controversies are the reason for the boycott of several world celebrities, such as Shakira and Dua Lipa.

Shakira chose not to appear in the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Cup. Even though he was scheduled to appear at the opening of the event. But he changed his mind and canceled his presence, based on information from Spanish news media El Programa de Ana Rosa. However, the media did not reveal the reason Shakira did not join the opening ceremony.

The 2022 World Cup also highlights environmental issues in Qatar considering its natural conditions are different from other countries. The use of air conditioning is not recommended in order to reduce global warming. However, hot natural conditions demand the need for the use of air conditioning.

Construction of stadiums in Qatar is also an issue that has drawn controversy ahead of the start of the 2022 World Cup. This issue will be resolved by tournament organizers, considering that environmental activists will continue to criticize.

The 2022 Dunai Cup controversy also blew in the opening match between Qatar vs Ecuador. It is suspected that there was a bribe involving Ecuadorian national team players. A total of 8 Ecuadorian players are suspected of having received bribes worth 7.4 million euros in order to give in during the match.

This slanted issue was put forward by experts on strategic political affairs and directors of the British central region in Saudi Arabia. He reported the alleged bribery practice by Qatar. However, Ecuador won the first match on Sunday (20/11), so this issue was not proven true.

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