Solid Under Megawati's Command, PDIP Calls Puan-Ganjar Meeting Breaking 'Framing Cheap' Issues Of Disharmoni

Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah assessed that the inaugural meeting between DPR Speaker Puan Maharani and Central Java Governor Ganjar in Solo was a special thing for cadres.According to him, the face-to-face meeting between Puan and Ganjar also broke the issue that the two were not harmonious."Mbak Puan and Mas Ganjar's meeting at the HIPMI National Conference in Solo is certainly increasingly special for us at the PDI-P. Mbak Puan was elected as a member of the DPR from the Central Java V electoral district which includes Solo Raya, Mas Ganjar, the Governor of Central Java. So it is only natural that both of them were invited by HIPMI to carry out its National Conference in Solo," Said told VOI, Tuesday, November 22.However, Said straightened out that yesterday's meeting was the second time Puan and Ganjar were at the same event. It's just that, he said, during the Muhammadiyah Congress, the two potential presidential figures did not have time to say hello."Wasn't Mbak Puan and Mas Ganjar previously present at the Muhammadiyah Congress in Solo? His second presence was because he was invited by the host, namely the committee of the Muhammadiyah Congress. However, the two PDI-P cadres had not had time to meet face to face and shake hands because the event was a huge event involving thousands of people. Well, at the HIPMI National Conference the meeting was more indoor which became very limited, so it was easier to meet physically," said Said.Said emphasized that the meeting between Puan and Ganjar further proved that the PDI-P was solid under the leadership of the General Chair, Megawati Soekarnoputeri."It's just outsiders who often frame Mbak Puan and Mas Ganjar can't communicate. Both of them are students and main cadres of Mrs. Mega, so both of them are solid under the command of Mrs. Ketum," said the chairman of the Banggar DPR.Said said, before the election, there were those who did not like PDIP to be solid, so they often clashed the two main cadres of the party bearing the bull symbol."With this meeting, Mbak Puan and Mas Ganjar broke the cheap framing that the PDI-P is not solid. With various external parties, the two figures can communicate well, especially with fellow cadres in the PDI-P," said Said.