Motif Pelajar Berhitung Grandma Di Tapanuli Selatan, Polres Bakal Berikan Hukuman Tegas

The group of students kicking a grandmother in South Tapanuli, North Sumatra, was caught in a viral video on social media. The actions taken by these young people made the public furious.
In the video, the grandmother was seen falling down and receiving a kick from a student. The public also questioned the student's motive for kicking the grandmother on the side of the road.
Previously, several students who rode on motorbikes came from behind and stopped beside the grandmother. Then the grandmother was seen chatting with a student. Then came a student and kicked the grandmother.
One of the groups recorded the abuse of his colleague against his grandmother. The 13-second video then spread to their WhatsApp group until it was widely circulated on social media.
Student Motifs Sheet in South Tapanuli
The South Tapanuli Resort Police (Polres) managed to secure the students who became suspects shortly after the video circulated. A total of six students were taken to the police station.
When asked by the police, the student admitted to playing it for fun. The police are looking for the grandmother who became the victim. The police also summoned the parents (ortu) of the students, the school, to the local village head.
So for the time being, (the reason for the molestation) was accidental or arbitrary. These students (admitted) had no intention of injuring and so on. " said the Head of the South Tapanuli Police, AKBP Imam Zamroni.
Anniversary for Parents of Students
Parents of students who were the perpetrators of Grandma's arrest apologized. Ortu apologized to the victim's family, and the general public. Students are students at a vocational school in South Tapanuli Regency. They are still 17 years old.
"I, the representative of the parents of students, apologize profusely to the victim for the actions of our child when they go to school to commit acts of violence against a mother," said a student's parents representative in a video uploaded to the Instagram account @official.polrestapsel.
Victims Allegedly ODGJ
Maraindo Harahap, one of the student's parents, said the victim was suspected of being a person with a mental disorder (ODGJ). The victim has lived in his village for about 4 months.
He also expressed his gratitude to the South Tapanuli Police, the North Sumatra Education Office, and the schools that have fostered and directed their children.
"Once again I thank and apologize profusely to all Indonesian people who have seen or watched the actions of our children," he said.
Furthermore, the South Tapanuli Police Chief said that his party would take the victim to a hospital in Medan for treatment. The police are searching for the grandmother's whereabouts. His party and the Social Service will carry out rehabilitation of the grandmother.
The victim was hit by wood
The police examined the students who were further involved in obtaining information. Six perpetrators with the initials IH, ZA, VH, AR, RM, and ASH, admitted that they had hit the grandmother with wood.
They hit the mother with a piece of wood. The perpetrators were the same and the victims were the same," said ma'am.
Sentencing Students
This case received the spotlight from the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD. Mahfud asked the South Tapanuli Police to take firm action against the students who carried out the persecution.
Mahfud menyampaikan bahwa para pelaku yang belum dewasa bisa dikenakan pidana dengan ancaman setengah dari masa hukuman normal.Untuk anak yang belum matur secara pidana hukumannya adalah 1menjau2 dari ancaman hukuman normal, kata Mahfud.
That's the motive of students to kill grandmothers in South Tapanuli, North Sumatra. The six students who are the perpetrators are currently being processed by the police. After that, the police cooperated with parents and the Social Service Office to provide guidance to them.
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