Jalan Together, Leonardo DiCaprio And Gigi Hadid Mutual Convenient With EACH Other

JAKARTA - The closeness of Leonardo DiCaprio and Gigi Hadid has become increasingly revealed to the public. Recently, the two were caught going on a date in New York on Friday last week.

The 27-year-old model is said to be enjoying dinner at a restaurant in the New York area with DiCaprio. They also invited DiCaprio's best friend, ViVi Nevo to go out together and had time to go out together.

Leonardo DiCaprio wore all black clothes and a mask covering his face. Meanwhile Gigi Hadid wore a leather jacket with the scarf she often wore to cover her face from the camera.

Gigi spent time with Leo at NY. He (DiCaprio) understands Gigi who is a mother and works with her schedule to see it - very sweet," said a source, launching PEOPLE.

"Gigi shared a few things but he really enjoyed the time with Leo," the source continued.

Even so, both Gigi and the 48-year-old actor chose to hold back their relationship from the public. This is different from their personal relationship, especially Leonardo DiCaprio, who is known to change partners frequently.

Gigi Hadid has been in a relationship with Zayn Malik since 2016 but they reportedly broke up in October 2021. The two of them raised their child named Khai. Meanwhile Leonardo DiCaprio ended his relationship with Camila Mordone at the age of 25.

The news of Gigi and Leonardo began in September when they were together at a party in New York. a source said they often meet at clubs, restaurant events, and others so they get to know each other.

Leonardo likes Gigi. He has children and he is an adult. He wants to be with people who have good ideas. They are getting to know each other. Leo of course is after Gigi, "said the source.

But so far, neither Leo nor Gigi have spoken about their news.