The DPR Asks The Cianjur Comb Government To Make Sure The Needs Of Residents Affected By The Earthquake

JAKARTA - Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives pays serious attention to the earthquake disaster in Cianjur with a magnitude of 5.6 which claimed hundreds of lives. The commission in charge of disasters asked the government to move quickly and focus on efforts to evacuate victims in affected areas. Member of Commission VIII DPR RI KH Maman Imanulhaq, also asked BNPB assisted by TNI-Polri officers to continue combing each region while recording what assistance needed by local residents.

"What is very important is that the government must immediately create a data map of regional damage and also the data for assistance needed by the victims. So that people who want to help can provide it quickly and on target," Maman said in his statement, Tuesday, November 22.

This is because, continued the West Java electoral district PKB legislator, from the previous experience the assistance distributed by the community actually piled up in just a few locations. In fact, there is also a lot of assistance that was channeled wrongly.

Therefore, according to him, the management of aid must be maximized so that the victims and refugees can get help quickly and according to what they need. "The government must quickly provide assistance in the form of medicines, clothes suitable for use, refugee tents, and food, considering that many Cianjur residents lost their homes due to yesterday's earthquake," said Maman. From data submitted by West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, the death toll from the Cianjur earthquake increased to 162 people, 326 suffered serious and minor injuries.

"As of 21.00 p.m., from the Cianjur BPBD call center, the number of victims increased where 162 people died. 326 seriously/lightly injured. 2,4345 houses were heavily damaged. 13,400 refugees," said Ridwan Kamil, quoted via his social media account, Tuesday, November 22.

According to Kang Emil, as many as 88 times the aftershocks occurred on a scale of 1.5 to 4.8 on the richter scale. He reminded that the atmosphere in Cianjur is still vulnerable.

Meanwhile, only 20 percent of electricity is on and it will take three days to get back to normal. Many cellular signals are also constrained.