Drunk, Stealing, Sick Women; Shia LaBeouf's Increasingly Crazy Behavior

JAKARTA - Friday, December 12, the singer of FKA Twigs sued her former lover, actor Shia Labeouf. Through a report released by the New York Times, FKA Twigs describes a series of bad events that he experienced.

“Shia LaBeouf hurt a woman. He used them, He tortured them, physically and mentally. He's dangerous, "FKA Twigs began his claim.

The two of them dated from starring in the film Honey Boy in 2018 to 2019. They went through various conflicts during their love affair. Among other things, LaBeouf forbids Twigs from meeting with family and friends so that Twigs is always with him.

On Valentine's Day 2019, LaBeouf slammed Twigs into a car after they argued. The Transformers player is also rumored to have a sharp weapon in his bed.

FKA Twigs whose real name is Tahliah Barnett also claims LaBeouf started acting 'weird' in October 2018. LaBeouf often suspects that Twigs is still in contact with actor Robert Pattinson even though they have ended the engagement.

Shia Labeouf also always asks Twigs to kiss the desired amount and doesn't want the Cellophane singer to wear clothes while sleeping. This is what triggers FKA Twigs to sue Shia LaBeouf. The next day after Valentine, LaBeouf pushed him to the ground. The two of them get into a car and LaBeouf continues to force Twigs to confess his love.

When stopped at a gas station, FKA Twigs tried to escape with his belongings. But LaBeouf discovered the action. He asked FKA Twigs to return to the car.

Carried Roles and Infectious Diseases

Still in its report, FKA Twigs tells that when Shia LaBeouf was shooting for the film The Tax Collector, he tried to bring his character to life as a gangster. Drive recklessly through Los Angeles and shoot a dog dead for the sake of having a killer mindset. This disappoints FKA Twigs, especially since he is known as an animal lover.

LaBeouf is also reported to have sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and has passed on to FKA Twigs. He began to notice when he was experiencing strange symptoms and checked into the hospital. Twigs discovered the fact that there were other women who contracted STDs after having sex with LaBeouf.

Unable to stand the treatment of his lover, in March 2019, Twigs tried to run away and go to a rented house but LaBeouf found out about the plan and approached Twigs. Then, he got angry and emotional to Twigs. Even the emotions of the actor who was born on June 11 continue to explode without stopping.

FKA Twigs suffered from a number of negative effects during their relationship with LaBeouf. One of them was when he couldn't finish the album Magdalene because of an argument with his girlfriend.

Traces of Shia LaBeouf's Criminal Record

Shia LaBeouf has been involved in various criminal cases. In 2008, he was caught driving drunk and crashed into another vehicle. In 2011, LaBeouf also got into a fight with someone at a bar in Oaks, California. Three years later, he attended the musical Cabaret on Broadway and was so drunk that he was arrested in the middle of the road.

In September, LaBeouf was arrested after stealing the hat of a man named Tyler Murphy. LaBeouf forcibly took the hat and resorted to violence. Until now, the 34-year-old actor admitted that he had not yet recovered from alcohol addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to LaBeouf, the claims that FKA Twigs accuse are not entirely true. On the other hand, he has no rebuttal to his attitudes and feels always harsh towards himself and those around him.

"I have a history of hurting people close to me. I feel embarrassed and apologize to anyone who has been hurt. I have nothing else to say."

Apart from Twigs, this report was also supported by stylist Karolyn Pho and singer Sia. "I was also hurt emotionally by Shia (LaBeouf), a pathological liar who tricked me into entering into an adult relationship by claiming to be single," Sia said via her Twitter account.

It is known that LaBeouf is an actor in singer Sia's Elastic Heart music video.

For the first time ever, FKA Twigs has spoken about its relationship with LaBeouf despite the unpleasant circumstances. His Instagram post says that FKA Twigs wants people who are going through the same thing to help each other.

"The statistics of domestic violence and relationship violence are shocking and during COVID I was worried because I know many victims are trapped with someone with no way to get out of the situation."