Team Akhyar-Salman Reveals Irregularities In Medan Pilkada, Touches Playing Money

MEDAN - The winning team for the pair of candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi (AMAN) revealed the irregularities of the Medan Regional Election.

"It is suspected that the data from the survey institute referred to is full of irregularities. This indication can be seen from the difference in the victory of candidate pair number 02 (Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman) over candidate pair number 01 (Akhyar-Salman), which has been broadcast since the beginning, it continues to move away by more than 10 percent. "In fact, the difference between the two is very thin and the winner is not yet known," said Deputy Chairman of the winning team of AMAN Gelmok Samosir as quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 13.

Akhyar Nasution's team asked all parties not to believe in the quick counts broadcast on national television. According to him, quick counts via television lead to opinions on the victory of certain candidate pairs in the Medan Pilkada.

Until now, the AMAN team is waiting for the official results at the plenary meeting of the General Election Commission (KPU) Medan City on December 15-17. After that, his party issued a stance on the results of the announcement.

Currently, said Gelmok, the advocacy team, assisted by the legal team and volunteers, are making an inventory of all findings due to election violations and election crimes. Akhyar's team again touched on money politics.

"In fact, it is suspected that the money is used to choose a certain candidate pair," he said.

The AMAN team also claimed to have found strong indications that the invitation letter for C6 voters was deliberately not distributed so that many residents failed to exercise their voting rights. This is indicated by the low number of voters coming to the polling stations (TPS).

"We opened a post for complaints of fraud violations, even allegations of crime throughout the socialization up to the campaign day, in the form of photos, video recordings, as well as testimony of anyone who wants to contribute to creating a healthy and dignified regional election," said Gelmok.