Viral Video Of A Man Threatening To Beheaded The Chief Of The Apparatus Because Rizieq Is Irritated, And Ends Up Being Arrested By The Police

JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus said that his party arrested a man who threatened to behead the police because he was annoyed that Rizieq Shihab was arrested and detained.

"At this point it has only been secured," said Yusri when he was confirmed, Sunday, December 13.

This man was taken to Polda Metro Jaya for an examination related to the threatening tone in the video that went viral on social media. Yusri admitted that he could not provide further information.

"Meanwhile, he admitted that he had an examination. Tomorrow I will tell you the details," said Yusri.

It is known that in the video uploads that were spread, the man who claimed to be Muhammad Umar asked the police not to arrest Rizieq.

"Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi wabarokatuh, I am Muhammad Umar. If Habib Rizieq is arrested, the police will confront me, the police will confront me and I will behead the police remember that," he was quoted as saying in the video.

Furthermore, a follow-up video circulating depicting the same man being flanked by a number of officers without wearing a uniform in the car.

An officer in the second video recording confirmed the statement to the man who claimed to be Muhammad Umar. "Hey you want to cut off your police? Yes?" asked the officer who recorded the video.

Then, the man who was suspected of being the threat to behead the police chief then gave an answer. He corrected his previous statement and admitted he was wrong.

"No, sir, I was wrong, sir," he replied.

For information, FPI leader Rizieq Shihab was detained at the Jakarta Police's Directorate of Narcotics detention in a case of alleged violation of health protocols.

When he left the examination room, Rizieq immediately entered the detention center without re-explaining the legal discrimination he meant. Rizieq will serve a 20-day detention period from December 12 to December 31.

In this case, Polda Metro Jaya has named Habib Rizieq a suspect in the alleged violation of the health protocol. In addition, there were five other people who were also named suspects in the alleged violation of protocol at Habib Rizieq's celebration.

Rizieq had scheduled his questioning twice by Polda Metro Jaya. However, at that time he did not come to answer the summons on the grounds of restoring health.

He was charged under Articles 160 and 216 of the Criminal Code. Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning Incitement to Violence and Not Complying with the provisions of the law, with the threat of six years imprisonment or a fine of IDR 4,500.

Meanwhile, Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Obstacles to Legal Provisions. The threat is imprisonment of four months and two weeks or a fine of Rp9,000.