Form A Porn Film, A 45-year-old Man At Mataram Perkosa Anak Tetangga YANG Masih Di Bangku SD

MATARAM - A man with the initials FG (45) in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) raped a child who was still in elementary school (SD) because he was obsessed with watching porn.The Head of Mataram Police, Kombes, explained that the case was revealed from the follow-up to the victim's parents' report."So, the role of FG as the perpetrator (forced against children) was revealed from a series of investigations that we carried out. The investigation process began with a follow-up to the report," said Mustofa in Mataram, Antara, Monday, November 21.In addition to obtaining information from the victim, he explained, his party also determined the status of FG as a suspect based on the results of the medical examination of victims."There is also information from the perpetrator about the modus operandi and motivation of him to commit such acts," he said.Mustofa said that the perpetrator admitted that he was still single. As a result of being addicted to watching pornographic films through gadgets, the reason the perpetrator vented his desire on the victim, who is a neighbor's child.From the results of the case title, investigators named FG as a suspect under the suspicion of Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 76E of Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection as amended by Law Number 35 of 2014."The results of the title that named the perpetrator as a suspect are also the basis for us to make arrests," he said.From this case, Mustofa also appealed to parents to pay more attention to their children's activities. He suggested that parents build good communication with their children."It doesn't have to be excessive protective, but it's better to monitor children's activities by maintaining good communication, so that whatever children do, who they play with, we know and we can monitor," he said.