Cymulator Tuck 4 Made Student SMK Bandung Tembus Pasar Vietnam

JAKARTA - The four-wheeled vehicle simulator made by State Vocational High School (SMKN) 6 Bandung City, West Java, has been successfully marketed to Vietnam. "Alhamdulillah, our students' products, in the form of a four-wheeled vehicle simulator, have been marketed to Vietnam. Not only one type, but there are several types of simulators of four-wheeled vehicles produced and then sent to the country in ASEAN," said Head of Technical Affairs of the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) SMKN 6 Bandung City, Agus Surahmat, quoted by Antara, Sunday. August, the project was obtained from an order from one of the Bandung City 6 SMKN industrial partners, namely PT Pudak. The collaboration between PT Pudak and Vietnam made SMKN which is located within the West Java VII Regional Education Office (Cadisdik) branch and then received a simulator order.

"PT Pudak, which has projects and tenders, we only do it. They market it to Vietnam," said Agus. According to Agus, the simulator product produced by students majoring in Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering is well known throughout the country following the many simulator orders from various regions in Indonesia, from Aceh to Papua. It should be noted, Through the BLUD and the Teaching Factory (TEFA) learning model, the products made by students as a learning process can also be known. marketed to the public. This is because the BLUD system will make it easier to cooperate with the industrial world. In addition to Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering, majors in SMKN 6 Bandung itself are Building Modeling and Information Design (DPIB), Video Audio Engineering, Electricity Installation Engineering, Machinery Engineering, and Welding Engineering. In the same place, the Head of TEFA Simulator Engine SMKN 6 Bandung City, Naek Baho said, SMKN 6 Bandung City made various simulators. since 22 years ago or 2000. The simulator produced by students/i SMKN City 6 Bandung includes power window simulators, body electrical simulators, to engine stand simulators. There are also many kinds of engine stands and all of them are produced at SMKN 6 Bandung City. Naek revealed that the beginning of SMKN 6 Bandung City produced simulators. According to him, the idea originated from the need for SMKN 6 Bandung teachers to support learning. Then his party is creative by creating tools so that students understand and understand learning to create various simulators. "If the production takes a long time, it depends on the type. For example, if the engine stands, starting from the construction of the stands, the manufacturing of the stands, then the absorption, painting, until finished, until we put the engine in that place, approximately one to two weeks," he continued. As time goes by, continued Naek, SMKN 6 Bandung's simulator product began to be looked at and orders came from various schools. In fact, added Naek, the simulator was initially only needed for teaching materials at his school. "We have sent to Aceh to Papua. In Sumatra to Aceh to Dumai, Muara Enim, Lampung, that's it. West Java has quite a lot until Indramayu, Kuningan, Cirebon, we are known in West Java," Naekdia added, the simulator created at SMKN 6 Bandung City was not only a four-wheeled vehicle simulator, but also two wheels, such as an injection simulator. PGM FI. Naek believes that the simulator produced by SMKN 6 Bandung City can continue along with technological developments.

Therefore, the potential for BLUD development at SMKN 6 Bandung City, especially for simulator products, is still very large. "In the past, there were school principals who asked if it could last forever. I said this would last forever because technology also tends to develop. It used to be conventional, it came a new one. Hybrids have now begun to be left into electric vehicles. So it always develops," he said.