2022 World Cup: Paragraphs Of The Qur'an Read During Opening Festival At Al Bayt Stadium

JAKARTA - The 2022 World Cup will officially take place in Qatar starting November 20. In the opening party which took place at the Al Bayt Stadium with the theme of togetherness for all mankind, the organizers slipped a piece of the Qur'an at the beginning of the event.

The opening ceremony began with a countdown on the big screen that caught the attention of the crowd at the stadium. Before long, the video showed the backdrop of the night view in Qatar.

Inside the stadium, hundreds of dancers began to occupy positions. Before the excitement exploded, Morgan

With this theme,Only not alone. He was accompanied by Ghanim Muftah, a disabled young man who represented equality and togetherness for everyone.

Disalah narasi keduanya tentang kemanusiaan dan persatuan, Ghanim menyanyikan potongan ayat suci Al-Qur'an. Ia membacakan surat Al-Hhudayat ayat ke13.

"O human beings, actually We created you from a man and a woman and made you a nation and a tribe so that you know each other," that means the verse.

This moment is an attraction for spectators from various countries. After that moment, the excitement was no less exciting because Jungkook from BTS performed the song Dreamers.

The figure of the South Korean idol fan echoed great at the magnificent stadium followed by the appearance of the 2022 World Cup icon, a white pari fish named Laeeb