Flag-Bearer Lutfi Sentenced To Four Months In Prison

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) sues Alfiandi alias Lutfi Alfiandi, a defendant in a case of assault against the police, with a sentence of four months in prison.

The charges are based on evidence presented during the trial. So, the prosecutor considered that Lutfi Alfiandi was found guilty and violated Article 128 of the Criminal Code.

Article 128 of the Criminal Code regulates: Whoever deliberately does not leave after being ordered three times, when there is a crowd. Participation is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of 4 months and two weeks.

"We, the public prosecutor, demand that the defendant be sentenced to four months in prison provided that he is in detention and will be deducted entirely from the sentence imposed with orders to remain in detention," said Public Prosecutor (JPU) Andri Saputra, in Jakarta, Wednesday, 29. January.

In addition, the demand for four months in prison was also based on incriminating witness testimony. Lutfi and other demonstrators, it is said, have caused unrest in the community.

This is because during the demonstration they rejected a number of controversial Drafts (RUUs), they never disbanded. Although, the police have tried many times to disperse it.

"Demand that the panel of judges decide that the defendant Dede Lutfi Alfiandi has been legally proven guilty of committing a crime against the general authorities," said Andri.

After reading the charges, the panel of judges invited the defendant's attorney to immediately read out a plea or note of defense of the prosecution's claim. Then, Lutfi's attorney also emphasized that he did not agree with the use of Article 128 of the Criminal Code.

Referring to the facts in the trial, it was said, if Lutfi was not proven to have committed the criminal elements stated in the Article.

Then, Lutfi also asked the panel of judges to immediately release him. Because, it is said, if he was not involved in the rioting and was on his way home when the incident occurred.

"I asked to be released, because at that time I was on my way home," said Lutfi.

Meanwhile, after listening to the demands and pledoi, Chief Judge Bintang Al said that his party would consider the prosecutor's demands. Later, the decision will be read out at the next trial with a case decision agenda, on Thursday 30 January.

"Thursday, January 30, 2020, the trial agenda is to read the verdict," said Bintang, then tapped his hammer three times.

For your information, in this case, Lutfi was charged with multiple articles, namely, Article 212 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 214 of the Criminal Code concerning acts of violence against police officers. Then, Article 170 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning acts of violence against people or property. Furthermore, Article 218 of the Criminal Code concerning intentionally not to leave after being ordered three times, when there is a crowd.