In Lapas Anak, Menteri PPPA Mengabarkan Kekerasan Pada Anak Dipicu Didikan Keluarga

NORTH SULAWESI - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) stated that education from families since childhood affects the occurrence or absence of violence against children.

"Children are a gift that we must protect, which we must take care of as well as you. My hope is that you have a future and great hope," said Minister of PPPA Bintang Puspayoga while visiting the Class II Child Development Institute (LPKA) of Tomohon City, North Sulawesi, Saturday, November 20.

Bintang said that violence is something that must be avoided in providing the learning process for children. Because family is the first education received by children.

The growth and development of children, he continued, will begin and be determined by the type of care applied in the family. If parents instill a tough attitude from an early age child, then the child will grow into a much tougher person.

When answering one of the child's questions at LPKA, based on an Antara report, Bintang admitted that he had never committed violence against his child. Violence will only have a bad impact in the long term that hurts children.

Bintang provides an example in his daily life of implementing a parenting system in the form of installments or cutting pocket money when the child wants something outside of school needs or interests, even though he can facilitate it with the various forms of luxury that exist.

"Parents and the environment have a very important role in shaping children's character and preventing violence," he said.

Bintang said that adults should help children to build their commitments in realizing the ideals they want.

According to Bintang, discipline to live is very important to instill in children. Thus, children will understand that everything they want requires hard work from their hard work.

I myself in children's education, what I do is more directing how they live life and then don't participate in trends today. That's more in fulfilling their needs whether it's a necessity or desire, it's two keywords," he said.

Therefore, Bintang invites all parties to stop violence against children, especially those in the household. So that quality families can be formed by providing healthy and good care through cooperation between fathers and mothers.

"We must reject violence hard. When we talk about parenting, it is the responsibility of mothers and fathers, so that we can form quality families," he said.