The Minister Of PUPR Leaks The Landslides Mitigation Development Strategy At IKN

JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono revealed the disaster mitigation development strategy, both landslides and floods in the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.

Basuki said, there are several things that are done to preserve the environment in IKN. One of them is to mitigate the potential for landslide disasters (landslide).

"Among other things, by maintaining green space of more than 75 percent of the 6,600 hectares of the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) area, as well as installing a monitoring sensor for ground movement," Basuki said in a discussion, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, November 19.

Then, he continued, building up following the topography by utilizing basins for reservoirs, designing roads with slopes of less than 10 percent, avoiding construction in locations with high ground movement vulnerabilities, and highly avoiding stripping of cliffs.

"We may minimize the method of working on land cut and fill, we follow the topography. We want to make use of the topography of the area as an aesthetic of IKN," said Basuki.

Meanwhile, regarding the mitigation of potential flood disasters (flood), the Ministry of PUPR is currently completing the construction of the Sepaku-Semoi Dam. The physical progress is around 78 percent.

This dam has a capacity of 10.6 million cubic meters to control flooding in the IKN area up to 55 percent.

In addition, 19 reservoirs will also be built at KIPP as a drainage system for the region, as well as to create harmony between green and blue development (green and blue development).

In a structural mitigation effort, the Ministry of PUPR carried out infrastructure development in IKN by paying attention to three aspects, including ensuring quality, preserving the environment, and paying attention to aesthetics.

Infrastructures built use the latest technological innovations to ensure high quality in aspects of strength, security, safety, resilience, and comfort including the use of Building Information Model (BIM) to support dynamic design changes according to field needs.