Tips Wearing Piled Jewelry Let's Show More Elegant

JAKARTA - Engineering stacking jewelry or stacking can be a way to make your appearance, women, more elegant. However, there are a number of important things that you should pay attention to so as not to actually make your appearancetesy, according to jewelry designer Wanda Ponika and fashion designer Alva Susanto.

"Sometimes people don't understand the technique of piling up jewelry. For example, if you want to mix two or three rings, right and left with the right portions. So that you don't get too much? Diamonds don't be like enemies. Let's not be confused," Wanda quoted ANTARA as saying.

On the other hand, Alva Susanto recommends that you adjust the types of jewelry and fashion pieces you wear. For low-cut dresses, for example, you can add a necklace.

"Then if the pieces are covered with earrings or large bando. So, don't just pay attention to the clothes but the jewelry. The clothes and jewelry must be in harmony," he said.

In addition, adjust the color between the jewelry to be stacked. Silver should not be matched with black.

"Don't jumplang either, one big and one small. It has to be right," said Alva. Wanda added, "When stacking, make sure you use non-escribical jewelry to add to the wow impression on your appearance."

"It has to be fine jewelry. Not accessories. If accessories are stones and others. Fine Jewelry is different from accessories. Maybe it's not as big as accessories, but she has a different charisma and aura. It's a shame to come in a good shirt but wear accessories," he said.