27 Prisoners In Aceh Proposed To Receive Special Remissions For Christmas

JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Aceh Province proposed 27 prisoners or assisted residents to receive special remissions for Christmas 2020.

Head of the Corrections Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Aceh Province Nirhono Jatmokoadi in Banda Aceh, Saturday, said the proposed remission or reduction of the law would range from 15 days to two months.

"Those who are proposed to receive remission are currently serving sentences in a number of prisons and state detention centers in Aceh Province," said Nirhono Jatmokoadi as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 12.

Nirhono Jatmokoadi said that the most proposed remission is one month with 16 prisoners. Then, two months of remission were five prisoners.

Meanwhile, the proposed remission of one month is 15 days and 15 days, each of three prisoners or assisted residents, said Nirhono Jatmokoadi.

"Most of the proposed remissions were given to 16 assisted residents in the Class IIB Kutacane Penitentiary, Southeast Aceh," said Nirhono Jatmokoadi.

The 16 proposed Class IIB Kutacane Penitentiary (Lapas) residents who are proposed to receive remissions consist of one person for 15 days, 11 people for one month's remission, three people for one month's remission and 15 days, and one person for two months' remission.

Then, the Class IIA Banda Aceh Prison is three people, consisting of two people for one month remission and one person for two months. Two prisoners from Blangkejeren Class IIB Prison, Gayo Lues, were proposed to receive two months of remission each.

As well as the Meulaboh Class IIB Prison, West Aceh, the Langsa Class IIB Prison, the Sigli Class IIB Women's Prison, the Banda Aceh Class IIB State Prison, the Sabang Class IIB Prison, and the Bener Meriah Prison, one prisoner each.

"The remission proposal has been submitted to the Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. If the proposal is accepted, it will be submitted to each prisoner at Christmas," said Nirhono Jatmokoadi.