The Jakarta-Bandung Successful High Speed Train Is Piloted, PT KAI Commitment To Implement GCG In Completing Projects

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or PT KAI is committed to prioritizing good corporate governance (GCG) in completing the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Rail (KCJB) project.

KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo stated that currently the KCJB project is in a critical period because it has entered the completion stage. For this reason, he invited all stakeholders of Indonesia and China to work together to make this project a success while still implementing the GCG.

"We ask for the help of all stakeholders, ministries, SOEs, both from Indonesia and China, to work together on one ship, one spirit, collaboration, proactive and synergistic to complete this KCJB project in accordance with the timeline launched by the President, namely June 2023," said Didiek in an official statement, Friday, November 18.

Didiek added, to run GCG, KAI collaborated with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to realize accountability for the construction of the KCJB project so that it could be accounted for.

"In completing the KCJB project, there are adjustments, but we do everything with good governance. KAI also cooperates with BPKP, so that our hope is that by being reviewed by state auditors, the calculations we convey can be built accountability and accountability so that everything is in accordance with governance," he continued.

KCJB has been successfully tested when witnessed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chinese President Xi Jinping virtually on Wednesday, November 16.

This trial is part of the agenda of the Indonesia-China Bilateral Meeting which was held in the middle of the G20 event in Bali.

"This trial of the Jakarta Bandung high-speed train to become an important milestone and become the key to the success of the commercial operation date (COD) in the middle of next year," he added.

In the operational test, the inspection train was run 15 km from Tegalluar Bandung Station to CastingOKe 4 above the KCJB test line. The KCJB inspection train is designed to be able to detect track conditions, electricity, communications, signaling, and train dynamic responses. This inspection train will be operated every day before the line is used for passenger trains.

The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project is one of the National Strategic Projects listed in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 93 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 107 of 2015 concerning the Acceleration of Implementation of High-speed Train Infrastructure and Facilities between Jakarta and Bandung.

In this Presidential Regulation too, KAI was assigned by the government as the leader of the consortium PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (PSBI) which is a partner of Beijing Yawan HSR Co Ltd in PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC).