Bank DKI Achieves The 2022 Archives Supervision Award From The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government

JAKARTA - Judged to have performed well in the management of archives in the DKI Jakarta Province, Bank DKI won an award as a Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) with the results of the 2022 Archives Supervision in the category "Very Good".

The award was handed over by the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province, Marullah Matali, who was received by the President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy at the Archive Orderly Awareness Movement (GSTA) and the 2022 Archives Appreciation for DKI Jakarta Province, Thursday, November 17.

President Director of Bank DKI, Fidri Arnaldy expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the award received by Bank DKI.

"This award is an appreciation for Bank DKI in the context of orderly and professional archival management as a form of implementing good corporate governance," said Fidri.

Fidri explained that this award was successfully received by Bank DKI based on the results of the archive implementation including aspects of archive creation, use of archives, archival maintenance, archival shrinkage, archive human resources and Archive Infrastructure Facilities so as to place the category Very Good to Bank DKI.

The assessment was carried out by the Library and Archives Service (Dispusip) as the Regional Archives Institute.

For information, a number of steps have been taken by Bank DKI in archival management, among others, by converting physical document media into digital form, as well as preparing a special place for storing archival documents. In addition, Bank DKI periodically also conducts socialization to work units in terms of archival management before being sent to the final storage area of the archive.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi on the same occasion added that the importance of archival management is one of Bank DKI's efforts in implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG).

"An important document in banking administration from various work units at Bank DKI is maintained with qualified security standards in the archive warehouse. So that when needed, the document can still be accessed easily," he explained.

Arie further said that Bank DKI continues to be committed to organizing according to archive rules from upstream to downstream, as well as increasing media transfer efforts for physical archives so that they are easily accessible.

"We also periodically disseminate information to work units at Bank DKI, especially Branch Offices through BERSINAR programs, namely Clean, Beautiful, Safe, Safe and Rapi as a form of increasing the importance of awareness of archives," he said.