Rizieq's Attorney: God Willing, There Will Be No Masses Present At Polda Metro Jaya

JAKARTA - The attorney for the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab, Sugito Atmo Prawiro, said that no crowd would be present to accompany his client's visit to Polda Metro Jaya, Saturday, December 12. Rizieq will only come with his attorney when he is examined as a suspect.

"God willing, there will be no crowd present, only a team of lawyers," Sugito told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Saturday, December 12.

He believed that the masses would not come because Rizieq had reminded his supporters.

"He himself has reminded (the masses, red) not to attend the examination today," he said.

Furthermore, Sugito said Rizieq is expected to arrive at Polda Metro Jaya at 11.00 WIB or later. Because, he will depart from Megamendung, West Java.

"For example, he came from Megamendung at 10.00, we were at 11.00. For example, he walked at 11.00 to here at 12.00, about an hour's drive," he said.

As for the investigation of the suspect, Rizieq will only do it. Meanwhile, five other suspects in cases of violation of this health protocol will be examined on another day.

"Meanwhile he used to be because the Polda prioritized him. Later after that only five suspects," he said.

Rizieq Shihab promised to go to Polda Metro Jaya to undergo an examination related to a case of violation of health protocols on Saturday.

"Tonight I announce it to all the nation's children, God willing, tomorrow, Saturday, December 12, 2020, in the morning I will come to Polda Metro Jaya, God willing," said Rizieq in a video uploaded on the Youtube channel Front TV, reported by Antara. , Saturday, December 12th.

Rizieq claims he has never run away or avoided the legal process, but is in a state of health that must rest for recovery.

"I have never run, let alone hide. Once again, I have never run and never hid. Because all this time, during the recovery process I have mostly sat at the Islamic Boarding School for Agrocultural Islamic Boarding Megamendung," said Rizieq.

In this case, Polda Metro Jaya investigators have named Rizieq a suspect charged with Article 160 of the Criminal Code and Article 216 of the Criminal Code.

Apart from Rizieq, five other people were also named as suspects, namely Haris Ubaidillah as committee chairman, Ali bin Alwi Alatas (committee secretary), Maman Suryadi (FPI commander and person in charge of security), Sobri Lubis (person in charge of the event), and Idrus (section head event).

The five suspects, the police implemented Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.