Rain Accompanied By Hot Winds, The Roof Of A Resident's House In Manggarai, South Jakarta Flying

JAKARTA - The roof of a resident's house on Jalan Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta collapsed due to strong winds accompanied by heavy rain on Thursday morning, November 17.

Tebet sub-district Head of Sector VI, Sukur Sarwoni, said that at the time of the incident the occupants immediately left the house. Luckily there were no victims in the incident.

"Residents immediately came out. Thank God there were no casualties," said Sukur in his statement, Thursday, November 17.

After the incident, the victim immediately reported to Manggarai Village and related agencies. A number of personnel were deployed to clean up the debris at the location.

Two personnel were immediately dispatched to the scene. The object of the house that collapsed on the roof was 92 m2, "he said.

Sukur admitted that he did not know the amount of loss in the incident. However, he confirmed that there were no casualties due to the collapse of the roof of a resident's house.

"The material loss cannot be ascertained", he concluded