PM Lapid Tegas Not Allowing His Army To Be Interogated By The FBI, Although Israel And The United States Are FRIENDly

JAKARTA - Tensions between the United States and Israel over Washington's insistence on the investigation into the assassination of US-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, are referred to as a decisive moment by Israeli outlet Harretz.

Israel has issued a strong rebuke to the United States after it was reported that the US Government opened an investigation into the assassination of Abu Akleh.

"The IDF army will not be interrogated by the FBI or by any foreign entity or foreign country, no matter how friendly it is," Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said.

"We will not leave the IDF army for foreign investigations, and our strong protests have been raised to America at the appropriate level," he continued.

"IDF is a moral and value-based soldier. Soldiers and IDF commanders defend the State of Israel, thoroughly investigating any incidents that deviate and are committed to the values of democracy and its laws," said PM Lapid.

Separately, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz previously stated: "I will not allow an IDF soldier who protects himself from terrorist fire, demanded only to accept applause from abroad."

"I have conveyed a message to the US representatives that we support the (Israel) army, that we will not cooperate with external investigations, and will not allow intervention against internal investigations," Gantz tweeted on Monday, citing CNN.

Abu Akleh was killed in the Jenin refugee camp, the West Bank of a bullet that broke through the bullet-proof vest he was wearing during an Israeli troop raid, with international media investigations finding he was shot by the Israeli military.

The IDF acknowledged in September there was a'most likely' that one of its troops had shot the journalist, but said it was impossible to confirm.

Meanwhile, IDF Military Advocate General said he would not file a charge against any army, that "there is no suspicion that bullets were fired intentionally at anyone identified as civilians, and particularly at anyone identified as a journalist."

Abu Akleh wore a protective vest labeled "Press" on the front and rear, at the time of his death.

Gantz said on Monday the IDF had carried out a "professional and independent" investigation, sharing details with American officials.

"The decision taken by the US Department of Justice to investigate Shireen Abu Akleh's tragic death was a mistake," he wrote on Twitter.

The US Department of Justice and the US State Department declined to comment on Washington's investigation on Monday, but the latter said "our thoughts remain with Abu Akleh's family as they mourn this extraordinary loss. Shireen is not only an American citizen, he is an artless reporter whose journalism and his search for truth have kept him respected by audiences around the world."

It is known that a forensic examination led by the US State Department in July against a bullet that killed Abu Akleh was inconclusive, but found it most likely he was killed by an accidental Israeli shot.