Commitment For Combating Environmentally Friendly Energy, PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina Starts Building Earth Gas Infrastructure KIT Batang

JAKARTA - Pertamina Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk, has started building natural gas infrastructure to the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone (KITB). This development is a concrete execution of PGN in providing clean energy for industrial areas and supporting the utilization of Cirebon - Semarang Transmission Pipes built by the government.

The distribution pipe network to KIT Batang, which will be built with an 8 inch diameter of 7.3 km. With a pressure of 17 Barg, the battery capacity of this pipe is 25 MMSCFD.

KIT Batang has the potential to absorb a maximum natural gas of 24.8 MMSCFD consisting of 14 tenants. When the natural gas pipeline network and supporting infrastructure are ready on stream in 2023, natural gas for KIT Batang will be sourced from the PEPC Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB).

On Wednesday, November 16, PGN held the first welding ceremony or the first welding of the KIT Batang natural gas distribution infrastructure carried out by the Director of Infrastructure and Technology, Achmad Muchtasyar.

This activity was also attended by Assistant Deputy for Oil & Gas Energy of the Ministry of SOEs, Abdi Mustakim, Representative of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Agung Kuswardono, Head of the Central Java Provincial Government ESDM Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko, Assistant for Government and Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of the Batang Wilopo Regency Government, Batang Police Chief AKBP M. Irwan Susanto, President Director of the Batang Ngurah Wirawan Integrated Industrial Zone, President Director of PT Wijaya Kusuma Ahmad Fauzie Nur, Director of Strategy and HCM PT PP Sinur Linda Gustina, along with other stakeholders.

Assistant Deputy for Oil & Gas at the Ministry of SOEs, Abdi Mustakim, said that all countries are in recession and are affected by the pandemic, but Indonesia's economic growth is quite high. One of the sources is investment.

KIT is a PSN that prioritizes natural gas as energy that supplies industrial estates that are included in PSN. Gresik - Semarang pipelines are ready to flow natural gas from JTB to KITB including the Cisem pipeline which is being prepared by KESDM. First Welding is a milestone in the development of gas infrastructure to the region. KITB is expected to absorb labor and increase national economic growth.

"KITB will get natural gas rations from JTB and the Central Java Provincial Government appreciates the integration of Gresik - Semarang and Cirebon - Semarang transmission pipelines, extraordinary breakthroughs for Central Java and KITB. First welding is an important milestone to increase tenant confidence in KITB. The need for environmentally friendly energy is a request for investors and Central Java to become a Gas Hub to support the growth of industrial-based economic growth," added the Head of the Central Java Provincial Government's ESDM Office, Sujarwanto Dwiatmoko.

"ESDM has allocated approximately Rp 1 trillion for transmission pipes and PGN distribution pipes to complete downstream customers. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources provides directions to immediately plan infrastructure integration and supply for reliability and energy availability that can be felt by the community," said Agung Kuswardono, representing the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"This is a very meaningful momentum for PGN and stakeholders, where the development of natural gas infrastructure is a tangible manifestation of the commitment of the central, regional, BUMN and private governments as well as the synergy of all stakeholders in hand in hand, working together in starting the process of distributing clean energy environmentally friendly and the availability of sustainable energy for Batang Integrated Industrial Zones," said PGN's Director of Infrastructure and Technology, Achmad Muchtasyar.

Achmad continued, in line with the progress of the construction of the Cirebon - Semarang Transmission Pipe, especially the Semarang Batang Section, the construction of distribution pipes needs to be carried out to be able to distribute gas to KIT Batang.

This means that this development is a form of PGN's efforts as well as support for the government in accelerating downstream infrastructure development so that it can immediately absorb gas supplies from various sources, including supporting the acceleration of utilization and the economic impact of the development of the Cirebon Semarang Pipe.

According to Achmad, the concept of KIT Batang will be integrated with housing, health services, and inter-factories supply chains. Thus, PGN has the opportunity to develop natural gas infrastructure to be able to serve housing, winning businesses, and retail.

"PGN is ready to collaborate with various parties for the reliability of infrastructure and natural gas supply in Central Java. Not only in Batang, there are still many industrial areas in Central Java that have the potential to use natural gas. Especially if Central Java has been passed by the connectivity of the Cisem and Gresem Pipes, it will be more sustainable to reach various regional points and the estuary will have a positive impact on industrial competitiveness, as well as Central Java's economic growth," concluded Achmad.