South Kalimantan Cagub Denny Indrayana Excels In Real Count While KPU, Volunteers Are Asked To Escort The Voice

JAKARTA - Candidate for Governor of South Kalimantan, Denny Indrayana, asked the volunteers to continue to oversee the regional head election (Pilkada) vote after the vote continues to lead in the KPU's temporary real count.

Denny in his statement was quoted by Antara, expressing his gratitude to all volunteers and parties who fought together to help him win the gubernatorial election (Pilgub) in South Kalimantan 2020.

The candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of South Kalimantan, Denny Indrayana-Difriadi, is still superior to the incumbent pair, Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin, in the KPU real count calculation process.

Based on data quoted from the election page for, Friday, December 11, at 17.24 WIB, the KPU's "real count" has entered 44.75 percent.

From these data, candidate pair number 01 Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin received 349,153 votes or 48.4 percent, while candidate pair number 02 Denny Indrayana-Difriadi received 372,250 votes or 51.6 percent.

When this data is quoted, the progress of vote counting has been carried out in 4,058 polling stations (TPS) from 9,069 polling stations.

Even though the victory has been seen, Denny asked all volunteers to keep on guarding the votes, and a close guard needs to be done up to the central KPU and based on the KWK results at each TPS by the South Kalimantan KPU.

"I hope that the calculations run well 'online' on the KPU website and manually tabulated run quickly, accurately and professionally," he said.

From the results of data counting from the photos of the Model C form. The KWK results sent by KPPS via Sirekap, the Denny-Difri pair won in Tanah Laut with 30,223 votes, Kota Baru 37,266 votes, HSS 42,124, HST 34,397 votes, HSU 33,361 votes.

In addition, it is also getting quite high votes while in Tabalong with 26,880 votes, Tanah Bumbu with 25,621 votes, Banjarmasin City 23,293 votes, and Banjarbaru City 23,638 votes.

Meanwhile, the incumbent pair in this count was only superior in four regions, namely Banjar, Barito Kuala, Tapin and Balangan.

Regarding the results of the temporary real count, the head of the Hajj Winning Team Denny Difri (H2D) who is also the Chairman of the DPD Gerindra Party of South Kalimantan, H Abidin, is grateful because the data is in accordance with the results of the quick count which also favored the Denny-Difri pair.

According to him, the results of the quick count are in accordance with the results of the real count so that it is a strong sign of Denny-Difri's victory in the 2020 South Kalimantan Pilkada, and as a victory for the people who also hope for a new governor in Banua.

"Hopefully, the votes will continue to increase by up to 55 percent," said Abidin.