Program Diklat 3 In 1, Kemenperin Wants To Print Superior Industrial Human Resources In Manufacturing Sector

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry is aggressively conducting industrial vocational training, in the form of a 3 in 1 Education and Training program (training, certification and placement) this year, in order to produce competent industrial human resources (HR) according to the current needs of the industrial world.

Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry, Arus Gunawan, said that his party had implemented the 3 in 1 Education and Training program since 2014. To date, more than 225 thousand people have participated in the program, the majority of whom are already working in industrial companies.

"The existence of competent and competitive human resources is one of the main keys in efforts to increase productivity and performance in the manufacturing industry sector," said Arus in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 15.

Programs that were originally only intended for the preparation of prospective workers in industrial companies (skilling), said Arus, have also been developed to improve labor competence, both up-skilling and re-skilling

"The design of curriculum and modules in Education and Training 3 in 1 is developed according to industrial needs through the preparation of Competency-Based Training Programs and modules," he said.

In addition, BPSDMI Kemenperin also develops the implementation of vocational education it has through 9 SMK, 11 Polytechnics, and 2 Community Academys spread across several regions in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Education and Training Center, Tirta Wisnu Permana, said that the Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI is also active in preparing competency infrastructure needed by the industrial sector, such as the availability of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI), the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI). the availability of Professional Certification Institutions (LSP), Competency Assessors and Competency Test Places (TUK), to facilitation of competency certification.

"This is done so that the wheels of the Indonesian industry are really driven by competent industrial workers," he said.

To date, the Ministry of Industry's BPSDMI has prepared 177 SKKNI, 16 KKNI, and 84 LSP industrial sectors.

BPSDMI also facilitates the preparation of competency assessors and facilitation of competency certification for industrial workers every year.

"At least 1,705 competency assessors have been produced and 33,000 people have received certification facilitation from 2015 to 2022," said Wisnu.

According to him, the Ministry of Industry's training program cannot be separated from the role and cooperation of industry players.

Therefore, BPSDMI Kemenperin continues to collaborate with the industrial sector, one of which is through Industrial Gathering activities.

"With good collaboration and synergy between all parties, ranging from industrial and professional associations, industrial partner companies, LSP, central and regional ministries/agencies, to domestic and foreign agencies, of course it will bring accelerated development of national industrial human resources," added Vishnu.