Sido Muncul Supports Stunting Prevention

JAKARTA - PT Industi Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) supports the 'Pentacome 1000+ To Stop Stunting and Create A Golden Generation' program initiated by the Faculty of Medicine, Warmadewa University, Bali. This program is a program to assist quality family-based students for stunting towards the Advanced Indonesia Golden Generation.

In a written statement received on Wednesday, November 16, it was stated that this program was the implementation of the cooperation and Memorandum of Understanding between Sido Muncul and Warmadewa University, regarding Education, Research, and Community Service Activities as well as the implementation of the 2022 Matching Fund Program in the form of Tri Dharma (Education, Research, and Community Service) activities with the Business World and the Industrial World (DUDI).

This Matching Fund program is a tangible form of support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia for the creation of collaboration and strategic synergy between Higher Education (graduate institutions) and the World of Business and Industry (DUDI) by using the Kedaireka platform. One of the goals is to form an independent learning ecosystem.

This concrete program involved all students of the Faculty of Medicine, Warmadewa University through the assistance of 1 student, 1 Pregnant Mother and her family, and the environment, a fertile age couple (PUS), a bride-to-be (Catin), and Balita until the age of 2 years.

This year, there will be 417 students involved with 417 beneficiaries of the program in Payangan District, Gianyar Regency, Bali. Sido Muncul provided assistance worth IDR 500 million in the form of:

1. The supplementation package to be given to 417 families.- The product is in the form of 417 adult packages (pregnant women and fertile age partners): Suprasi, Sari Daun Kelor, Tolak Angin.- There are also 254 packages of children (children under the age of 2 years): Reject the Wind of Children, Healthy Children.

2. The seeds of Kunyit, Kelor, Kencur, and Katuk plants are given to 417 families.

3. Provide Education (training) on the Improvement and Utilization of Family Medicines (TOGA) by conducting training on the introduction and cultivation of TOGA, the utilization of TOGA, and TOGA Agribusiness, and cash amounting to IDR 250 million.

Ceremony Program 'Pentacome 1000+ To Stop Stunting And Create A Golden Generation' was held on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at the Government Center (Puspem) of Payangan District.