8 Good Resign Reasons And Rights Gett By Workers / Labor When Resigning

YOGYAKARTA The term resign in the world of work can be interpreted as resignation from work. The word resign is the absorption of English which means resigning or resigning. A worker who wants to resign from work must have good reason for resigning so that your reputation remains good in the eyes of the company.

8 Reasons for Good Work Resign

When you leave the company, use a positive tone to end your relationship with your boss

Quoted by VOI from the Official Field of the Ministry of Manpower, here are the reasons for a good job design so that your image in the company remains positive:

Good Resign Workers Requirements

The terms of good employee design are listed in Government Regulation (PP) Number 35 of 2021 concerning Work Agreements for Certain Time, Transfer of Power, Working Time and Rest Time, and Termination of Work Relations.

In the regulation, Article 36 letter i states that workers or laborers who are resigned of their own will must meet the following requirements:

Good Istagon Worker Resign

Regulations regarding workers/laborers that are well-resigned are listed in Article 50 of PP Number 35 of 2021.

The article reads that workers/laborers who resign on their own will and meet the requirements as referred to in Article 36 letter I, are entitled to receive:

From the PP, it can be concluded that workers/laborers who resign do not receive severance pay.

Even so, employees who resign from the company, are still entitled to permanent employee rights who resign in the form of separate money and rights replacement money.

Rights Gett by Workers When resigned

Workers or laborers who quit or resign from the company, are entitled to receive separate money and change rights. As stated in Government Regulation Number 35 of 2021 concerning Work Agreements for Certain Time, Transfer, Working Time and Resttime, and Termination of Work Relations.

What is meant by separated money is the money given by the company at different amounts, as regulated in the Work Agreement (PK), Company Regulation (PP), or Collective Work Agreement (PKB).

Meanwhile, rights replacement money include:

Next, Article 58 paragraph 1 regulates that employers who include workers/laborers in the pension program in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of pension funds.

The article also explains that the contributions paid by employers can be taken into account as part of fulfilling the employer's obligations for the severance pay and the working period awards and the separated money.

If the calculation of the benefits of the pension program is smaller than severance pay and service awards and separated money, then the difference between waib and employers is paid.

That is information about the reasons for good design and the rights that workers/laborers get when resigning. Hopefully it will be useful!