How To Create A Structurated And Interesting Portfolio To Bind HRD

YOGYAKARTA - Portfolio is a document that must be owned by job seekers or jobseers. Companies that open recruitment always ask for portfolios as a condition for jobseers who are interested in submitting job applications.

When sending job applications, jobseer needs to attach a portfolio as capital to convince HRD or recruiters. Portfolio is a document containing a job seeker background data set. The portfolio sheet contains working data that has been done in the field of work carried out by job seekers.

The recruiter will check the portfolio to see if the expertise possessed by the applicant is in accordance with the needs of the company. The recruiter will assess and consider the quality of the expertise of job seekers through the data displayed in the portfolio.

In every job vacancy, there are usually many jobseers who submit their applications. So jobseeker will compete with other candidates to be accepted in these vacancies. Screening portfolio is an early stage in the recruitment process to determine whether applicants will be given the opportunity to enter the next recruitment process.

Therefore, jobseeker must prepare a portfolio complete and clear. Here are tips for making a clear, neat, and attractive portfolio.

The first step that must be taken when creating a portfolio is to collect all the work. Some jobseers have work experience in more than one field of work. Jobseeker must sort the results of the work relevant to the field of work being applied for.

For example, if a jobseer proposes a job for a copywriter position, it is necessary to collect the work results that have been made during his career in this field. The results of the work that can be included in the portfolio can be from several forms, including:

Once the data or portfolio materials are ready, then jobseer needs to arrange the arrangement based on categories. Several categories that can be displayed in the portfolio, for example work results, training certificates, internship experience, organizational experience, and so on. This step is needed so that the arrangement of the portfolio becomes neater and more regular.

In addition to arranging portfolio data based on categories, jobseers also need to manage the composition of portfolios in a structured manner. In this step, a touch of design is needed so that the portfolio's appearance can be more attractive. Designs need to pay attention to the use of colors, fonts, and icons.

The contents in the portfolio must be structured so that the recruiter is comfortable when reading it. The following is the composition of the portfolio that is widely used:

Jobseeker should not only present works or work achievements. But it also needs to explain the roles and achievements it has, then it is associated with the position proposed. Jobseeker must explain it in a clear and easy-to-understand language.

Jobseeker could describe in more detail his expertise and qualifications relevant to the job he applied for. The explanation was used by jobseeker to convince why the company should accept him.

Jobseeker also needs to include supporting documents as proof of his expertise and competence in the field of work that is applied for. The documents included are in addition to works, such as certificates, recommendations from previous companies, client testimonials, and so on.

That's how to make a portfolio that is neat, structured, and attractive in order to attract recruiters or HRD. For jobseers, don't forget to update portfolios regularly so that they are always relevant to the proposed time and work. Especially for jobseers who have worked in several companies and the field of work.

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